Chapter 6

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Elizabeth was tuning to the song as she picked her outfits

Elizabeth: done mom

Renata: nice picks honey

After paying they went home

Elizabeth: mom thank you

Renata: no problem hon

Renata: ok before we go home we gotta go to the studio

Elizabeth: oh really

Renata: yeah forgot something when I was performing today

Elizabeth: wow

Soon they got there seeing Renata manager

Annie: hey Renata, oh hi there Elizabeth she told me about you

Renata: yep, Elizabeth can you sit there please

Elizabeth nodded as she sat down as she doing her homework as they were talking

Elizabeth: easy

She hummed while she did her homework

Elizabeth: hmmm

I saved every letter you wrote me
From the moment I saw you
I knew you were mine
You said you were mine
I know you were mine

Renata and Annie looked at her singing

Do you know what Angelica when I told her
What you done she said
You have married an Icarus
He has flown too close to the sun

Elizabeth gasped covering her mouth looking up

Elizabeth: sorry

Annie: no it's ok I'm impress honey

Elizabeth blushed embarrassed

Elizabeth: oh well I sing sometimes when I'm alone I hope you don't mind

Annie: I don't at all Renata you should get her a deal

Renata: Well that's Elizabeth decision, and if she wants to and go to school that's her choice

Annie: how about ask her

Renata: Elizabeth honey

Elizabeth: ma'am

Renata: how would you feel if you got a deal

Elizabeth: hmm I never thought of it maybe actually, can I have time to think about it

Renata: of course hon

Elizabeth: even if I did can I start on small things

Renata: like what

Elizabeth: you know blogs or channels

Renata: oh if that's what you want honey

Elizabeth: thanks

Elizabeth pulled out a banana before putting it in her bag soon it meowed she shushed

Elizabeth: there you go

Renata: Elizabeth what's in your bag

Elizabeth: oh uh

She sighed Pulling out a kitten

She sighed Pulling out a kitten

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Elizabeth: meet missy

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