Chapter 7

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Elizabeth: ain't she a beauty

Renata: yes but where you get her

Elizabeth: when I left the school she came out of nowhere and Oliver picked me up so I got her aswell she looked abandoned

Renata: your sweet dear, real sweet

Elizabeth: yeah uh we can keep her right

Renata sighed and smiled warmly

Renata: of course you deserve her

Annie; your really gonna spoil her

Renata: of course hon, I'm we're done right?

Annie: of course good night

Renata: good night come on baby

Renata grabbed her hand walking out the door as missy meowed

Elizabeth: ok I'm gonna sleep good probably

Renata: really honey


Oliver: William I highly suggest you lower your tune with me, otherwise I'll smack you I give zero f)cks that your an adult

William: you took my daughter without my permission

Oliver; really cause Elizabeth, she really didn't mind me picking her up

William; because she thought I told you to

Oliver: no she didn't in fact, during our trip she had a lot to talk about you guys

Henry: what did she say

Oliver: oh she told me everything about you guys never even wanted to hear her side whenever mike or Charlie always put something on her and how Henry been enabling

Henry: Oliver I-

Oliver: don't Henry, you disgust me, you told that girl you would protect her and you stand there and watch her get hurt and be manipulated multiple times by Charlie, your f0cking pathetic.

Clara: hey that brat needed a lesson she's a menace

Oliver: don't get me started with you Clara cause you need to go to the hospital to see if you got disease cause I think your last boyfriend got gnorrehra, your husband f0cking blind that's I gotta say and mike take responsibility for your action, all your gonna get is grounding if you want yo be hurt go through what Elizabeth went through I'm sick of your bull the most sometimes

Michael: ok that's pretty rude

Chris: I don't think he's not done

Oliver; and don't get me started with you Charlie, I'm sick of you the most actually the fact that you think you get anything you want, everybody wants you, but your own dad don't want you

Henry: Oliver, that's

Oliver: shut up Henry


Oliver: when a guy talks to you, he doesn't like you, heck he doesn't even know you when he talks to you for the first time and the fact you think Noah Alcott just because he talk to you doesn't mean he likes you, he wants to be nice to you he can have Elizabeth as a friend, and don't pull "he's my boyfriend Elizabeth tried to take him from me" I pull receipt

Henry: what do you mean receipt

Oliver: I talked to Noah and his mother, and he said you too are not together your teacher assigned you cause Elizabeth stand you being lazy, that he had to assigned someone else too, he was trying to be friendly with you and you took that as a sign he wants to be your boyfriend

Henry: wait are you saying

Oliver: yes Charlie lied to you guys Noah doesn't even know her that well; Elizabeth didn't even know that she liked him

William: I punished her for no reason

Oliver: no sh!t Sherlock, Your dumb parents believing someone else than your own kid oh yeah I don't suggest you go get another dna test for Elizabeth will cause your not seeing her again I making sure

William: you can't do that, I'll call the police

Oliver: go ahead and I can tell them how you been hitting your daughter ever since she was child, oh and I suggest that you uh go and check all the other lies that your little demons had made with the school probably gonna be a enough

Oliver cleared his throat pushing them out

Oliver: no get out of my house

Closing the door behind him

Henry: I messed up, I ruined my trust with Elizabeth now

Chris: 💭does Elizabeth hate me now I broke her trust completely 💭.

Chris teared up Charlie tried to hug him and comfort him

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Chris teared up Charlie tried to hug him and comfort him

Chris teared up Charlie tried to hug him and comfort him

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Chris slapped her

Chris; don't touch me I hate you, you ruined everything, you made Elizabeth leave

Charlie: Chris I

Chris: are you gonna celebrate now, she may never come back because of you

Clara: love don't think that she'll come back and forgive us

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