Chapter 8

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Elizabeth: good night mom

Renata: good night honey

Renata kissed her on her forehead as she walked out the room Elizabeth tuck in sleeping peacefully in bed  She went into her room Soon her phone ring she picked it up

Renata: hello

Oliver: hey Renata

Renata: hey Oliver, what's wrong

Oliver: William and Clara and Henry that's what's wrong

Renata: they came to your house didn't they

Oliver: yes and I pulled receipts on all the rotten kids 

Renata: oh how that go

Oliver: William was dumbfounded, actually the adults were dumbfounded it was hilarious, I wish I could see the kids getting yelled at

Renata: well me too, Elizabeth is so happy and I'm planning on getting her a passport

Oliver: really where are you taking her

Renata: well I'm taking her to the beach in Orlando probably Korea too

Oliver: oh that's so cool, I hope she likes it

Renata: I really hope so too, I'm gonna head to bed now

Oliver: alright good night sleep well honey

Renata: you too hon

Renata hung up going to bed sleeping off the exhaustion

Renata: summer begins we'll have fun, i promise


William: I AM SO PISSED WITH YOU, I am just hearing about these lies, you been doing

Michael: well we

William: shut up, I'm just furious with all of you, I can't believe you, I can't trust you anymore

Clara: honey that's

William: shut up it's your fault to begin with

Clara: how's is this my fault

William: you be going out so much leaving the kids by themselves and when you don't you decide to teach them to lie

Clara: I didn't teach them to lie

William: well someone did and a ghost didn't, you lied to me multiple times

Charlie: we didn't wanna get in trouble

William: you should've thought about that when you lied to me about Elizabeth stealing your imaginary boyfriend, the school told me your lies in one breath what else have you lied about to my face charlotte

Charlie:daddy do something

Henry: don't even start Charlie, disappointed is not where I am with you,

William: for starters here's what gonna happen, you two troublemaker are grounded I'm taking everything

Michael: but Dad

William: shut up, you lied to my face for how long huh

They kept quiet even scared Henry didn't even bat an eye to care anymore

Chris: we're sorry dad, I'm truly sorry

Michael: you mean we

Chris: I meant I'm sorry,

Michael slapped his head, then William slapped him

William: Michael your on thin ice

Michael: ok I'm sorry

William: since you guys always rely on Elizabeth to do everything clean your room, fix you food, do your homework

They shrunk

William: for now on you guys are cleaning up everything cooking and cleaning..... starting today


William: you don't appreciate cause you never do it so that ends today understand

Charlie: yes sir

William: oh and Charlie I got big news for you, your father has something to tell you

Henry: Sammy officially recover and he's coming back home, since you been treating Elizabeth like a servant you'll be serving for him for now on see how you handle it

Charlie: what, but dad

Henry: no buts, Sammy coming home in a couple weeks

William: and since Clara keeps coming in and out I'm getting sick of it,

Clara: what Do you mean

William: in a week don't be surprised I send you divorce papers

Clara was speechless

Clara: your breaking the promise

William: no of course not oh wait yeah I am I should've done it before

Clara: William please we can do counseling

Henry: that went out the window

William: it did, I'm going upstairs

William left leaving them speechless


Elizabeth was sleeping peacefully in her colorful room she soon woke up humming to rhyme she knew

Elizabeth: ringing calls out for us all hmm

Elizabeth hummed again sighing

Elizabeth: ok sleep

Elizabeth went back to bed

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