~ Kaboom ~

34 1 15

⚠️ - TW for implied SA


Aoife watched in horror as Shane advanced on Lori, tossing the wine bottle aside.

She flinched as it shattered against the wall, crimson streaking down the white canvas.
She clamped her hands over her ears, shutting her eyes as she desperately tried to distance herself from the situation.

Despite her hands blocking her ears, she heard a sudden commotion, Lori yelped and Shane cried out in pain. Her eyes flicked open and she crawled round to the end of the shelf, peering around the metal edge to see Shane and Lori standing apart once more, the man now sporting claw marks on his neck as he panted heavily.

Lori's gaze suddenly fell on Aoife, her heart dropping as she realised the young girl may have been privy to the events that had just unfolded, something no child should have to see.

“Aoife.” she breathed, bringing a hand to cover her face as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Shane's expression morphed into something unrecognisable at this, and he whipped round, his eyes locking onto Aoife's, his stare growing dark and petrifying.

Aoife scurried back as the man approached, whimpering as her back hit the wall behind her, the man now stood at the end of the bookshelves, blocking her exit.

Her chest heaved as he approached, she felt like a mouse caught in a trap, desperate for someone to save her.

”Don't you say a god damn word, you hear me?” Shane growled as he lowered himself to her height, jabbing a finger in her face.

The girl screwed her eyes shut, turning her
head away and praying he would just leave. She cried out as he grabbed her chin, forcibly turning her head to face him again as her eyes shot open.

Just then, like a guardian angel, Lori appeared behind him. The woman was seemingly snapped out of her terror at the sound of the young girl's cries, she had immediately rushed over and was horrified to see the man threatening the girl who cowered in the corner.

“Get the fuck away from her!” she grabbed him by the back of his shirt, yanking the fabric and sending him tumbling to the floor at her feet.

The man immediately shot to his feet, his fists clenched as he stared the woman down. Though Lori wasn't one to back down, especially when a child was in danger, and gave him a similar glare, trying to steady her ragged breathing as she did so.

After an eternity, Shane scoffed, shot Aoife yet another warning glare before stumbling from the room.

“Aoife, baby.” Lori turned her attention to the little girl as soon as the rec room door shut behind Shane, crouching down beside her.

Aoife curled into a ball, wrapping her arms around her knees as sobs wracked her body. Her jaw ached from Shane's harsh grip, and her heart wouldn't stop pounding.

“I'm sorry, honey, I'm so sorry.” Lori whispered, scooping the young girl into her arms.


The silence was loud at the dining table the next morning.

Aoife had composed herself the previous night, warned Lori not to say a word to her mother, and headed back to the room. Jacqui knew something was wrong when her daughter returned with puffy eyes and no book in hand, yet decided not to push it at that moment, simply guiding her to bed to get some rest instead.

She had then quietly slipped from the room when she thought Aoife was asleep, which the girl found weird, but opted not to follow and stayed curled up under the warm duvet.

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