Full Throttle Heart - 12 - On the Road Again

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[Clouds roll across the sky and over lush green hills. The calm rumble of Truck-kun's engine grows louder. A truck finally comes over the hill.]

After their long day of drinking in attempt to lift the fake geas on the messenger, none of Truck-kun's companions were fit to continue their journey. So the group stayed one more night in the village inn.

The next morning, the heroes left the tiny village much like they arrived. Truck-kun drove across the picturesque hills at a leisurely pace. It didn't want to risk jostling its companions.

The knight, Gabriel, and the wizard's apprentice, Morden, rode in Truck-kun's cab. Gabriel squinted through the window at the landscape. Morden reclined with a blanket over his head. Al, the bluebird, had shut himself inside Truck-kun's glove box, groaning like he was dying.

They were all hungover.

Morden muttered, "Why does anybody do this to themselves?"

Gabriel replied, "Just focus on the mission. Purpose will clear your head."

Al's voice came faintly through the glove box. "Will porpoise make my stomach stop—hurk! Oh, on my mother's downy buttocks. Why did—ugh—why did you guys let me drink that much?"

Morden replied, "You were using your mug as a birdbath."

Gabriel whispered, "Purpose... Purpose..."

Morden asked, "Does that actually work?"

"Not in the slightest," Gabriel replied.

Morden groaned.

Truck-kun said softly, "Gabriel is right. Dwelling on our misfortune doesn't help us accomplish our mission."

"Says the guy who didn't drink." Al pulled an old receipt over himself to use as a blanket.

Truck-kun ignored him. "Morden, where is our journey taking us?"

"To the evil lich, Gomangach."

"...Yes, but how do we get there?"

Morden replied, "We have to go through the Cursed Lands."

"...Do they have roads there?"

Morden pulled the blanket further over his head. Gabriel continued quietly, "The Cursed Lands are a no-man's-land. It's forest and swamp, but that doesn't make sense, Morden. Magic doesn't work there. Why would a lich make their home there?"

"Another forest?" Al replied. "Who's writing this stuff?"

Morden whispered, "Because he's made a magic bubble around his lair. Magic works there, but not for miles around."

Gabriel rubbed his chin in thought. "That's rather ingenious—he uses the surrounding forest like a moat around a castle. Any force powerful enough to fight him would need to first cross the forest. No doubt thinning their numbers."

Al replied, "That's it. I'm staying in here and never coming out."

Truck-kun rumbled softly. "We'll make it through, together. Then we'll help Morden and his maester defeat the evil lich—Gomangach!"

Truck-kun slammed on its brakes, sending Morden sliding out of his seat and into the dash. Al didn't tumble far inside the glove box, and Gabriel wore his seatbelt.

Gabriel sat up straight and stared out the windshield. His eyes widened, and his hand grasped his sword.

Morden recoiled and groaned. "What the—"

As soon as he looked outside, the apprentice fell silent as well.

[The camera pans to show a figure standing in front of Truck-kun's bumper. They tower over the hood and look down on the occupants. They are covered in thick armor, a mix of black steel and bone. Vicious spikes rise from the plates.]

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