Chapter 25.

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T H E   S I L E N T   W A T E R S

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T H E   S I L E N T   W A T E R S

T H E   N I G H T M A R E   L I V E S   O N

R U N   A S   F A R
Y O U   C O U L D   B E F O R E
I T   C O M E S   T O   G R A S P

Pain. That was all that he could feel, with every breath he exhaled there was a quiet whimper that escaped his lips. He couldn't stop it.

His eyes fluttered open. The room swam in his vision, he tried to keep his eyes open but they seemed so heavy to keep open. He saw a hand reaching out towards his face and the fear grappled him.

He felt the same fingers grabbing his hair to hold his body up, he could feel the burning sensation in his scalp and unable to hold any longer, he backed away from hand. A scream erupted out of his throat.

He could hear the rush, the machines beeping, the sharp pain that spread all over his body like a wildfire.

"Stabilize him! Sedate!"

He couldn't make out the words. Nor he opened his eyes to look around. He was still reliving his memories in his mind.

The noise was getting too much for him. He felt someone grabbing his hands and he tried to pull away but his body refused to obey him. Every limb felt heavier than it was, and slowly every noise dulled out and blood rushed to his ears.

It was quiet.

And his movements stopped and his body slumped back on the bed.

And finally he opened his eyes. Shivaay frowned, was he dreaming?

Everything was white. Everything. It was just bright blankness and nothing else. He did not know what to do. He reached out his hands ahead. His fingers curled around the cool air. And like before he couldn't feel the pain anymore.

"Annika?" He looked at the figure standing in front of him. She was dressed in the pale pink kurta he had last seen her wearing when he was leaving for work. He blinked.

She didn't turn at the sound of his voice, he found it odd. He walked over. "Anni..." His voice sounded strange to even his own ears. It was him speaking right?

And this time she turned. But instead of her ethereal smile, it was a tearful gaze that greeted him. He felt his heart break. He tried to walk over but the distance between them remained constant, as if she was moving away.

He looked around, his brothers. His gaze soon turned hopeful as he turned to them expectantly. They weren't looking at him, but rather glaring. There was just pure anger and malice in those eyes that he could see.

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