✿ 32 ✿

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Jisung relaxed in his room, with his computer in front of him and a Studio Ghibli movie playing in the background. It felt like a whirlwind of events had occurred in such a short period, and he craved some much-needed alone time.

As the movie reached its midpoint, a soft thud could be heard coming from his window. Ignoring it, he dismissed the sound, thinking it was just a stray tree branch being blown around in the windy rain.

However, the knocks got progressively louder. Normally he would leave shit like that alone, but this time he got up and went over, slightly drawing the curtain across. The rain had let up a bit, now just a slight drizzle, but the wind continued to howl outside.

Not seeing anything out of the ordinary, he released the curtain, only for another bang to sound against the window. This time he followed the direction of the object that hit it, and the sight before him needed to be documented for times to come.

Minho was below his window, his attire sticking to his body and his hair wet, creating a mystical aura around him. Perched above his head was a speaker and next to him was lilac with an umbrella hat and a sign.

Jisung pushed open his window and 'they don't know about us' by one direction blasted from where Minho stood. Jisung laughed aloud at the scene before him, all while reading the sign lilac proudly held up.

"From the bottom of my heart, I adore every single thing about you. Your existence is the key to mine and a world without you, is a world not worth living." Jisung read loudly, and lilac hurriedly put down the first sign to pick up the second.

Meanwhile Minho was screaming the lyrics of the song, looking directly at jisung (who was baffled and doubled over laughing) while doing so.

She finally got a hold of the second sign so he started reading again.

"Prom without you would be a bitch, will you come with me and be the Lilo to my stitch?"

Jisung's gummy smile was on full display and his eyes glossed over as he looked back n forth between lilac and Minho.

"What do you say pretty?!" He heard Minho shout up to him.

Jisung cupped his mouth so they can hear him clearly, "yes I will min min!!"

He started shaking the speaker upon hearing jisung's acceptance, "FUCK YEAAAHHH!! LILAC HE SAID YES!!"

Lilac screamed along with him, feeling accomplished that jisung didn't say no.

Minho put the speaker down and did a lap around the front of the house. Jisung watched him with a content heart that was going two hundred miles per hour.

He couldn't fathom that Minho had just asked him to prom, but he wouldn't have it any other way.

Minho so badly wanted to shout an 'I love you' to jisung, but that'll have to wait. Instead he settled for blowing kisses and grinning at jisung who stood outside in his balcony, throwing them back at him.

Also, for now, he has to change and drive lilac back home, then cuddle up with jisung and smother him in love and affection.

a/n: it's short I'm sorry

Also, proofread but kinda not. It's late and I'm sleepy, sue me😭

(coming to the end😛)

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