The Phone Call

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3rd Person POV:

Aiden was doing some paperwork for a patient she just treated when her phone rang. She picks up the phone without looking at the caller ID.

"House," she says into the phone, while still working on her paperwork.

"Hey Aiden." Lisa Cuddy greets.

Aiden looks away from her paperwork to give Dr. Cuddy her full attention. "Hey Dr. C. What's up? What did my dad do this time?" Aiden asks her knowingly.

Aiden and Dr. Cuddy were close. They have known each other for years and Cuddy was the closest thing Aiden had to a mom growing up. She was the one Aiden went to when she didn't want to talk to her dad or Wilson. They started talking on the phone two times a week when Aiden left for school and they still do it now.

"He's insane! He put a probe down a patient's anal in the clinic and left it there for hours!" Cuddy says exasperated.

Aiden sighs, "Let me guess. Another case caught his attention."

"Yes." Cuddy says while rolling her eyes. "And that was only when I could get him to even go into the clinic."

"He hates the clinic. It doesn't surprise me that you still have trouble getting him to go."

"I'm at my wits end with him." Cuddy says and Aiden hears a thump. She assumes it's from Cuddy laying her head on her desk.

"I'm sorry Dr. C. I would help if I could." Aiden says sympatheticly.

"Maybe you can." Cuddy says after a few moments of silence.

"How?" Aiden says confused.

"You are the only person in existence that can make House listen to them."

"Yeah maybe. But you and dad are in New Jersey and I'm at John Hopkins. How can I do anything from here?"

"I want to offer you a job." Cuddy says and Aiden raises her brows. "I have been wanting to for a while but I know you like it at John Hopkins."

"Actually....I wouldn't mind a change." Aiden tells her

"Why? Are the men there still being pigs?"

"Yeah. And HR isn't any help. I'm getting sick of it. I've been here since I finished med school. A change would be nice. Plus I wouldn't mind seeing you, Wilson, and dad more often. I miss you guys."

"In that case I want to offer you a job." Cuddy says with a smile in her voice. "You would be in the diagnostic team with your dad, but also occasionally have your own patients from the NICU or OB, maybe even cardiology. So your board certifications would be put to good use."

"Sounds great." Aiden says with a smile.

"And if you don't mind, helping me control your dad? Make sure he does clinic hours and anything else he needs to?" Cuddy asks with hope in her voice.

Aiden laughs, "Sure thing Dr.C" Cuddy sighs in relief. "I could be there in a month. That would give me time to resign, refer my patients, and wrap up and loose ends here."

"Perfect. I'll send the paperwork to your email immediately. Your salary will be 8% higher than what you are getting at Hopkins. Look it over, let me know if there are any issues, sign it and fax it back."

"Will do."

"Thank you, Aiden."

"Thank you....and Dr. C?"


"Let's not tell anyone about me coming. I want it to be a surprise." Aiden says with a smirk.

Cuddy chuckles. "You got it. Talk to you later."

"Bye." Aiden says and they hang up.

" Aiden says and they hang up

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