Stories of the Past

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House and Aiden walk into the hospital. Aiden sees Wilson near Chase, Foreman, and Cameron. "Wilson!" She calls excitedly. House continued to his office.

Wilson looks up surprised. "Aiden?"  Aiden runs up and hugs him. "What are you doing here?" Wilson asks smiling once they broke the hug.

"I work here now. Surprise."

"Really? What about John Hopkins?"

"Wanted a change. Cuddy offered me a job and I couldn't say no." Aiden says with a smile.

"That's great." Wilson says as Aiden's phone goes off. She checks it.

"Speaking of Cuddy. She wants me in her office to help with Daddy."

"Yikes. You better go."

"Yeah. See you later" She says giving him one more hug before going towards Cuddy's office.

"So you knew about House's daughter?" Cameron asks Wilson after Aiden was out of earshot.

"Aiden? Yeah. I've known her for years. She is one of the only, if not the only, person that can control House, at least somewhat. She is sweet, kind, brilliant, and obviously very beautiful." Wilson says before pausing and looking at the three, "Don't tell House I said that. He'll kill me. He is insanely protective over her."

"Yeah, we figured that out. He threatened numerous times to kill whoever was harassing her at Hopkins." Cameron said.

"We didn't know he could be so protective." Chase added

Wilson laughs, "He only is that way for her. Aiden means everything to House. He would let the entire world burn if it meant that she was safe. He's been like that since I met him."

"Really?" Foreman asked not fully believing it.

"Really." Wilson nods, "They are extremely close. House raised Aiden by himself. He loves her more than anything. He has always put her health and happiness first. It may be hard to believe, but it's the truth. He is an ass, but he is a great father."

"And word of advice." Wilson says after a brief pause, "If either of you boys develop a thing for her, tread carefully......Also be careful of how you speak about House around Aiden."

"It should be obvious to her that he is an ass. She shouldn't be surprised." Foreman said.

"She knows House is an ass. She also knows that he can be a pain to deal with. She wouldn't deny that.....but he is her father. She loves him....and even though she will bring him down a peg or two and call him out when he goes too far, she will also defend him if she feels like others are going too far against him." He says and the others look at him.

House and Aiden are in Cuddy's office

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House and Aiden are in Cuddy's office. Cuddy is telling House to lecture the diagnostics class since the normal teacher is sick.

"He is not sick." House says

"He's throwing up, Daddy." Aiden informs

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