Arriving at Princeton Plainsboro

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Aiden departs the plane when she arrives in New Jersey and quickly goes to freshen up (A/N: outfit above) before heading to the hospital. She arrives at Princeton Plainsboro and walks directly to Cuddy's office. 

Aiden knocks on the door as she enters Cuddy's office. "Delivery straight from John Hopkins. Did somebody order a doctor that can control Gregory House?" She says with a smile and drops her bag beside her. 

Cuddy looks up with a wide smile and gets up to hug Aiden tightly. "Aiden! It's so good to see you! Thank you so so much for doing this!"

"It's no problem. It's nice to be back in New Jersey again. Plus working with dad ought to be interesting."

"Oh you have no idea." Cuddy says causing Aiden to chuckle. "Well we already covered everything before and here is your ID card. Do you remember your way around this place?"

"I do." Aiden says with a smile.

"House and his team are in the middle of a case."

"Meaning I can go sit in his office and Daddy will stumble in eventually."

"Exactly." Cuddy says with a smile. 

Aiden is in her dad's office

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Aiden is in her dad's office. She read over his current case out of curiosity and she was now sitting in her dad's office chair with her feet on his desk playing his Gameboy. She hears someone come in and glances up to see a woman with brown hair in a ponytail, who she assumes is Cameron, and then she looks back to the game.

"Can I help you?" Cameron asks Aiden.

"Nope. Just waiting for your boss." Aiden says not looking away from the game.

"You can't be here and House doesn't like anyone in his chair."

"I think he will be fine with me sitting here." Aiden asks still looking at the game.

"Look I get House is paying you for your services, but you can't be at the hospital." Cameron says crossing her arms. Aiden lowers the game after beating the level.

"Excuse me?" Aiden asks her incredulously with a raised brow. Neither of them notice House, Chase, and Foreman walking into the room. House looks surprised to see her and has a huge smile on his face until he hears what Cameron says next. 

"Look I get it. You're a prostitute, he paid you well in the past or whatever, but you cannot be here." Cameron says and House's smile drops and he looks furious. 

Aiden chuckles, "Oh-ho-ho. You are definitely Dr. Cameron. You really are carrying a torch for him." Aiden says with a smirk and takes her feet off the desk and sets the Gameboy on it. 

"Umm I-" Cameron stutters before she is cut off.

"I heard about the date last night." Aiden says standing up looking directly at Cameron. 

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