back story for poem 1

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Back story, I dated a guy and I wrote this poem about our relationship (as one does ^^) and it basically represented the events that took place after we started dating, we probably had the best high school romance in our whole school.

References like we both hated roses and fantasies, was an actual conversation between us, he asked which flowers I liked and instead I told him I didn't like roses (I think everyone gives their gf only roses, true though)and he agreed saying he doesn't like their scent as well. Personal opinion, no hate to roses though :)))

He always did what I asked, and didn't do what I didn't, he was quite hot headed which caused our break up. He was a dancer, one of the popular kid in school and I was one of the prefects so, we were considered the perfect couple at one point. It references if everyone hated me, or loved you.

We are still friends, obviously I don't get too close now, but he's a nice guy and was very romantic.

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