Chapter 2: First impression that is so seductive

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Anubis, now donning the flawless form of a human, set foot in the mortal realm with a face so breathtaking it could stir the heavens themselves. His tall stature, his mesmerizing gaze, and his regal presence left no doubt that he was meant for more than this world. Yet, his purpose was clear: he had to become the King's next offering to the Minotaur. It was all part of his plan.

The city buzzed with life as Anubis wandered through its heart. The sun bathed the streets in golden light, casting long shadows over the bustling crowds. Musicians filled the air with lilting tunes, children darted between market stalls, and women danced, their skirts spinning in graceful arcs. Lovers exchanged quiet words beneath the towering statue of the King, a stone effigy standing proud with a raised sword, proclaiming his dominion.

Anubis moved through it all, his every step deliberate, his every glance magnetic. His beauty was more than skin deep—it was a power that bewitched anyone who laid eyes on him. Men and women alike found themselves unable to tear their gaze from him. Conversations faltered, eyes followed him hungrily, and the lively market paused in awe of this ethereal figure who moved among them like a god disguised as a man.

Among the crowd, a royal informant caught sight of Anubis. Stunned by his appearance, the informant quickly penned a letter, sealing it with the urgent stamp of the King's insignia. It was close to the time of the Minotaur's next sacrifice, and this striking young man would make the perfect offering. The informant tied the letter to the leg of his owl and released it into the evening sky, confident that the palace would soon hear of the remarkable stranger who had wandered into their midst. Anubis, having orchestrated the entire scene, smiled faintly. Everything was proceeding as he intended.

As day gave way to night, the city settled into a calm hum beneath the thick, cold air. Anubis sat by the riverbank that wound through the center of the city, the sound of water lapping against the docks accompanying the creak of wooden boats. The boats carried goods to distant lands, but soon, Anubis himself would be on a far more treacherous journey—one that led to the heart of the labyrinth and into the clutches of the Minotaur.

A rustle behind him broke the stillness. Anubis didn't need to turn around to know that the King's men had arrived to take him. His lips curved into a knowing smile, the faintest glimmer of amusement dancing in his eyes. He had been waiting for this moment. When they seized him, tying his hands and feet with rough cords, he did not resist. He allowed himself to be thrown into the carriage, the wood creaking beneath his weight as it set off for the palace. All the while, Anubis remained serene, his smile barely fading. The time had come.

At the palace, whispers spread like wildfire as Anubis was dragged before the King. His appearance was like a beacon, drawing every eye. The courtiers gasped, the court ladies and concubines exchanged furtive glances, and all those present were left breathless by his beauty. They lamented the thought of such perfection being sacrificed to the Minotaur, but no one dared to speak against the King's will.

The King himself, sitting upon his grand throne, felt a stirring in his chest as Anubis was presented to him. The desire in his eyes was unmistakable. The Minotaur could wait, the King thought. This handsome young man was too precious, too perfect, to be cast away so easily. His gaze lingered on Anubis's face, and a wicked plan began to form in his mind. Without the Queen's knowledge, he ordered his most trusted commander to take Anubis to a secret chamber—one hidden deep within the palace, a place only the King himself knew of.

The King's orders were carried out swiftly. Anubis was escorted by the royal secretary, the King's personal bodyguard, and a handpicked group of elite soldiers. As they led him through the palace's labyrinth of hallways, the Queen, growing suspicious, sent her most trusted servant to follow them. She had heard no news of the sacrifice being prepared, and the strange movements of the King's entourage aroused her curiosity.

But the Queen's spy would never return. The shadows of the palace are long, and the King's eyes see everything. As the spy trailed behind, trying to uncover the King's secrets, he met a swift and silent end, his body vanishing into the depths of the palace as if the very walls had swallowed him whole.

Anubis, ever aware of the shifting currents of power, sensed the King's vile intentions. He knew what the King wanted, but he remained calm, watching as events unfolded around him. He had no need to resist or struggle. His mission was not yet complete. Silently, Anubis sent out a mysterious message to the Minotaur within the labyrinth, informing the creature that the King had hidden his intended offering. The trap was set, and now all that remained was to see how the game would play out. Would the Minotaur find Anubis before the King's darker desires took hold? Or would the god of the afterlife, now wrapped in human flesh, outmaneuver both monster and king in a battle of wills?The night grew colder, and deep within the labyrinth, the Minotaur stirred, a primal hunger ignited by the presence of something far more enticing than a mere sacrifice.

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