Chapter 3: You Chase Me, or I Catch You

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Anubis, still bound in chains but calm as ever, was on his way to the King's secret hideaway. The Queen, seething with fury, had already caught wind of the King's treachery. She knew that he had hidden the beautiful human—Anubis—meant as an offering for the Minotaur. The King's lustful greed had outpaced his sense, and now, the delicate balance that kept the Minotaur at bay was on the verge of collapse. 

But Anubis was far from a passive pawn. While being transported, he secretly sent a message to the Minotaur, one that only the beast could understand. In the dim, cavernous depths of the labyrinth, the Minotaur, pacing restlessly, saw a fiery inscription blaze onto the stone walls of his lair. It spoke of betrayal: The King hides the human you were meant to devour. A beautiful soul, more desirable than any offering before.

Rage ignited in the Minotaur's heart. Betrayed by the very man who should have been appeasing him, the Minotaur's fury boiled over. His primal roar echoed through the labyrinth, shaking the walls as if the very stones themselves trembled in fear. Panic spread throughout the palace. The Queen, desperate to calm the enraged beast, ordered her soldiers to toss every young, virgin servant into the labyrinth, hoping to quell his wrath with fresh offerings. But the Minotaur's rage was too great—he wanted 'that' human, the one the King had stolen for himself.

The King, equally desperate to maintain his secret, dispatched his elite forces to scour the kingdom for more sacrificial offerings. Virgins were dragged from their homes, some willingly sold by their impoverished families to royal informants for a handful of coins. But none of it mattered—no sacrifice could replace what the Minotaur now craved.

Meanwhile, Anubis, with his divine powers, subtly controlled the minds of the royal courtiers escorting him. With just a thought, he bent their will to his own, ensuring they would unwittingly lead him straight to the Minotaur. He could feel the tension rising in the kingdom, the palpable fear as the Minotaur's rage grew. Anubis remained calm, for everything was unfolding according to his design.

In the labyrinth, the Minotaur was beyond fury. Even as soldiers threw fresh offerings into his path, he tore through them with unrelenting rage. His massive horns broke down stone walls, and with newfound strength, he snapped the divine chains that once bound him as though they were mere twine. His wrath was so intense, it seemed to give him supernatural power—he crushed iron doors, smashed through barriers, and tore apart the labyrinth as he made his way toward the palace.

Bursting into the royal throne room, the Minotaur confronted the King, his eyes burning with vengeance. "Where is he?" the beast bellowed, his voice rumbling like thunder. The King, trembling in fear, attempted to placate him with false promises of other sacrifices, of more humans to satisfy the creature's hunger. But the Minotaur was not fooled. He had heard the rumors of the King's lust for the human, the one meant for 'him'.

"I want 'him'," the Minotaur snarled, his words like a command from the underworld itself. Just as the tension reached its peak, the Minotaur's nostrils flared. A scent unlike any he had ever known filled the air, intoxicating and irresistible. It was the signal sent by Anubis—a fragrance so sweet and alluring, it overwhelmed the Minotaur's senses. Without another word, the beast turned and stormed from the palace, driven by an uncontrollable urge to follow that scent.

As the Minotaur charged through the city, chaos erupted in his wake. Buildings crumbled under the weight of his passage, streets were torn apart by his massive hooves, and the terrified screams of citizens filled the night. His fury was unstoppable, his strength immeasurable. The city gates, fortified by iron and stone, shattered as he barreled through them, leaving nothing but destruction behind.

The Minotaur tore through the wilderness, heading toward the mountains where Anubis was being held in a hidden retreat. The royal forces, mounted on their fastest horses, tried to catch him, but they were no match for the beast's speed. Fueled by the scent, the Minotaur ran with inhuman swiftness, the ground shaking beneath him with every stride.

Anubis, now deep in the King's hidden lair, sat with a knowing smile. He could feel the Minotaur's approach, the beast drawing closer with each passing moment. The game of chase was nearly over, and soon, they would meet face to face.The question lingered in the air like a challenge: would the Minotaur catch Anubis, or had Anubis, all along, lured the beast into his own divine trap?

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