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jisung was shocked as soon as he laid his eyes on the king.

was he really the king they were supposed to meet? jisung couldn't believe it. he looked too young.

and too handsome.

the king wore an expensive red robe with gold accessories and black boots. he had defined cheekbones and jawline, and below his tall, pointy nose were perfectly smooth, pink lips. he had shiny chestnut brown hair, and his alluring, cat-like dark eyes stared back at jisung, making him break the gaze.

jisung felt very strange. was he sweating a bit? were his eyes blinking more? was his heart beating faster? either way, jisung had never felt such feeling before.

"who are you?"

jisung shivered at the voice. it was deep, yet so smooth and mesmerizing. he reluctantly looked up, meeting the king's eyes again.

"m-my name is han jisung, your majesty." jisung stuttered as he bowed. "i-i am the prince of the Spéir kingdom."

"the Spéir kingdom?" the king repeated, crossing his legs. "interesting. and why are you here?"

jisung grimaced. he stepped towards the king, handing him the envelope for him to read. however, the king refused.

"read it out loud yourself, prince han jisung." he ordered, and jisung shivered again at the sound of his name said by the king's enthralling voice.

jisung obediently opened up the envelope his mother wrote, and slowly read it aloud.

" 'I, Queen Han Seoyoon of the Spéir Kingdom, have a request to make regarding my son, Prince Han Jisung...' "

as he read aloud the letter, jisung couldn't help but feel the sharp gaze the king had on him the entire time. he made him feel so small, so vulnerable without doing anything at all. how?

when jisung finished reading the letter, the king sat up and stared at him straight in the eye.

"so, you want to stay here?" he asked, then pointed at felix. "along with him?"

jisung nodded eagerly, biting his lips. please say yes, please say yes, please say yes.

the king smirked, seeing the desperation in jisung's eyes. it was quite a cute sight.

"well, prince han jisung," the king chuckled, "sure, you can stay..."

jisung and felix's face lit up with hope.

"...but of course you'll have a price to pay." the king ended, grinning.

jisung blinked, taken back. "a-a price to pay, your majesty?"

"well i can't just provide you free food and shelter without getting something back, can't i?" said the king getting up, surprising jisung with his large height and size.

"w-what should i do in order to stay?" he asked, starting to fidget with his fingers.

the king smiled, walking up to jisung. up close, jisung was tiny compared to the king. he lifted jisung's chin with a finger, making him look at him.

"well, my previous personal assistant just got fired and I need a new one. you can be that for me."

"p-personal assistant, your majesty?" jisung repeated.

"you don't have to do much." the king informed, leaning away. "all you have to do is follow me wherever i go during the day, and help me if i need anything. you can do that, can't you, han jisung?"

jisung gulped, then nodded. he could surely do that if those were the only things she had to do.

the king smiled, satisfied. "you can start tomorrow, then. my guards will lead you to a room to stay." he turned to felix. "you'll get one, too. may i ask why you're here with him?"

"i was specially assigned to take care of his highness, your majesty."

"until his death?"

"until his death." felix answered. "of course, if i must do something for you to stay as well..."

"no, it'll be fine." the king assured. "you may follow the prince wherever he goes, as long as he's comfortable."

then the king looked at jisung again. "say, prince han jisung, what should i call you?"

jisung thought for a moment before answering. "j-just jisung would be fine, thank you. i'm not a prince anymore after all."

"as you wish, jisung." the king replied. he gestured to the guards. "take them to the guest rooms upstairs."

just as they were about to leave the room, jisung stopped in his tracks, turning around. "wait, your majesty."

"yes, jisung?" the king asked, slightly tilting his head and casually leaning on his elbow. the movement was somehow so attractive to jisung that it made him stutter again.

"i-i never got to learn your name..." jisung flushed as soon as the words left his mouth. how shameless of him, asking the king his name. why didn't he know it in the first place?

the king just laughed. "oh yes, i had never formally introduced myself haven't i?"

the king rose from his throne, then walked towards jisung until they were only a foot apart. he offered his hand to him while staring into his eyes, and jisung took it hesitantly. the king's hand was large, cool, and hard, the opposite of jisung's, which was small, warm, and soft.

"well, jisung" the king told him, not breaking his gaze. "my name is king lee minho the third. an honor to meet you."


next update might take a few days because of school T-T

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