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minho's eyes widened the second he saw jisung on the ground.

jisung was a mess. his hair was ruffled and messy, his lips were busted, his cheeks were swollen, bruised, and soaked with tears. his body was crumpled, and his arms and legs had cuts and bleeds and even more bruises. his tunic was wet with blood where his chest was, and his eyes were closed shut.

minho immediately ran over to the ruined boy, stomping over the maniac he just knocked out. the king held jisung in his arms, panicking.

"jisung? jisung!" he yelled, shaking the boy's body. jisung's eyes remained closed, but minho could feel his breathing.

he's still alive. the king thought in relief. probably just fainted from shock. quick, i must bring him to the doctors.

minho lifted the injured boy into his arms effortlessly, then quickly carried him back to the ballroom, catching everyone's attention.

"please!" minho yelled, "we need a doctor, now!"

seokjin immediately sent the guards to get the palace doctors, and everyone stopped what they were doing and walked over to take a closer look at jisung. they all gasped when they saw the injuries.

"who did this, your majesty?" seokjin asked, staring at jisung in disbelief. he clenched his fists, ready to punish the person for hurting an innocent boy.

"duke song did it. i knocked him out. he's outside in the hallway next to the west staircase."

everyone gasped and seokjin and a group of people angrily went to where minho directed.

at the same time, the doctors burst into the room, and they started checking the poor boy for further injuries. as they did that, people shouted where duke song was, who was conscious again and was getting yelled at and beaten. minho saw the dried blood on the side of duke's head and looked down at his knuckles with the same red marks. he thought back to a few moments ago, still in disbelief.


minho had been with seokjin, walking around and talking to everyone.

it was definitely not minho's favorite thing to do. he met a few people he knew but most were strangers, and he did not like meeting strangers.

not one bit.

after talking to millionth person and minho finally thought they would be the last one, seokjin started talking to another person next to him, bringing minho along. minho plastered a fake smile on his lips but internally screamed in frustration.

why did you agree to this? minho asked himself. why couldn't you just say no, you softie? if you did both you and jisung would be happily alone right now.

thinking of jisung, minho looked around the ballroom for him, his eyebrows furrowing when he failed. then suddenly, minho caught sight of jisung's black tunic and his brown hair going out the ballroom.

ah, he must be escaping to his room from this hell. minho thought. lucky him. i could never do that with seokjin here beside me 24/7.

minho grumpily sighed when he saw another figure head towards the exit of the ballroom. minho squinted to see duke song, someone he had talked to with seokjin a few minutes ago. it looked like the duke was following jisung. minho frowned in concern for the boy. when he had talked to the duke he was already quite drunk; he would probably be even more drunk by now. minho worried that something might happen to jisung.

wait, why are you worrying about him? minho asked himself again, snapping out of his frown. stop overthinking. the duke probably wasn't even following jisung. he was probably going to the lavatory or something.

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