Chapter 14

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The group gathers in a secluded part of the forest, the atmosphere thick with anticipation and a hint of tension. Kali clutches the white device tightly, her eyes never leaving it, hoping for the moment it turns blue. Deva and Vijay, standing nearby, exchanged puzzled glances, not entirely sure what to expect. Arjun and Vikram are busy setting up a machine, which stands about four feet tall and is surrounded by various equipment.

Vikram: (explaining to the group as he works) "This machine is designed to amplify the electromagnetic fields around us. It's crucial for stabilizing the portal between our world and the parallel universe. Once it's activated, it will help ensure that Ram and Krish can cross back over without any interference or danger."

Deva: (looking at the machine, intrigued) "So, it's like a bridge-builder between worlds?"

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Deva: (looking at the machine, intrigued) "So, it's like a bridge-builder between worlds?"

Vikram: (nodding) "Exactly. Think of it as a kind of anchor that helps us maintain the connection. I'll be monitoring the machine closely to ensure everything is working perfectly. We can't afford any mistakes, especially not when we're dealing with something this unpredictable."

Vijay: (still skeptical, looking around the forest) "This all seems like something out of a sci-fi movie. I mean, crossing into another universe? Are we really sure this is going to work?"

Arjun: (calmly, while adjusting the equipment) "We have to trust in the process. Kali's device and Vikram's machine are our best chances of getting Ram and Krish back safely. We've come too far to back out now."

Kali, still focused on the device, suddenly notices a change

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Kali, still focused on the device, suddenly notices a change. The white color starts to shift, and a soft blue glow begins to emerge.

Kali: (excitedly, her voice trembling) "It's turning blue! It's happening!"

The group gathers around, watching as the device glows a bright blue. Vikram quickly checks the machine, adjusting a few settings and monitoring the readings on a screen.

Vikram: (with a sense of urgency) "This is it. The portal is stabilizing. Kali, Deva, Arjun, and Vijay, you need to be ready. Remember, the goal is to find Ram and Krish and bring them back. I'll keep the portal open and monitor the electromagnetic fields to ensure a safe return."

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