Chapter 16

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A Week of Desperation and Determination

The room is cluttered with books, papers, and research materials. Kali is hunched over a stack of papers, her eyes tired but determined. Vijay enters, holding a plate of food and a piece of paper with notes about dimensional rules.

Vijay: (gently placing the food on the table) "Kali, you need to eat something. You can't keep working on an empty stomach."

Kali looks up from her papers, her face etched with exhaustion and worry

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Kali looks up from her papers, her face etched with exhaustion and worry.

Kali: (with a weary smile) "I'm not really hungry, Vijay. There's so much to do, and I need to find a way to bring Krish back."

Vijay sits down beside her, pushing the plate closer

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Vijay sits down beside her, pushing the plate closer. He looks at her with a mix of concern and resolve.

Vijay: "Please, Kali. Just take a break and eat. You're not doing anyone any good if you're running on empty."

Reluctantly, Kali takes a bite of the food, her eyes still focused on the papers scattered around her. Vijay watches her, his expression softening.

Vijay: "I know it's tough, but we're doing everything we can. What if we don't succeed? What if we can't bring Krish back?"

Kali pauses, her eyes welling up with tears as she thinks about the possibility of failure. After a moment, she speaks, her voice shaky but determined.

Kali: "If we fail to bring Krish back, why don't we just kill RR? If he's out of the picture, we could be free from all these problems and live in Krish's world together."

Vijay starts laughing softly, shaking his head at what he sees as an impractical idea. Kali's tears begin to fall, and her voice quivers with emotion.

Kali: (sobbing) "It's just... it's just that I want us all to be together again. I can't stand the thought of losing Krish, Ram, or anyone."

Seeing her distress, Vijay's laughter fades. He gently wraps his arms around Kali, pulling her into a comforting hug.

Vijay: "Kali, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make light of your feelings. We're going to do everything we can to bring Krish back. I promise you, we won't give up. You're not alone in this."

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