Sick to the stomach

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{Katsuki's pov}

Class was boring as ever. But it finally was end of the period when the bell went off. I looked over to Izuku who was cover his ears. "You are dismissed" Mr Aizawa says as he climbed into his yellow caterpillar sleeping bag. Everyone slowly fled out of the classroom as me and Deku stayed behind. "Izu let's go..." I say turning to Izuku just to see him still covers his ears even though the bell stopped. "Izu what's wrong?" I ask going up to him crouching next to his desk. "My ears are ringing and my chest hurts again!" He whisper shouted. "Ok want to go to the bathroom with me to calm down..." I say rubbing his back trying to comfort him. He gives me a nod of the head and stands up still covering his ears.

{Izuku's pov}

We slowly made it to the hallway but I was met with more loud voices, noises, sounds it was too much. I was clearly distressed it was practically flowing off me. As I clench my head and ears trying to block out all noises I started panicking. Kacchan helped me to the bathroom as we went into a stall together. He sat on the toilet seat and patted in between his legs gesturing to sit there. I sat there, then resting the back if my head on his shoulder, hesitantly I forced my hands off my head only to feel large hands on my ears I look up to see Kacchan covering my ears. The panic was still in me as I was crying now.

{Katsuki's pov}

I put my hands on Izukus ears to be met by as crying boy looking at me. I place his head on my chest and start asking questions. "Izuku... tell me 5 things you can see?..." I asked looking at the crying boy breathing heavily looking around the stall. "I-I see you, the s-stall door, my shaky h-hands, the walls-s and the t-toilet paper d-dispenser..." he answers. "Ok good... can you tell me 4 things you can hear?" I say again. "I can hear your voice, my heavy breathing, the tap dripping and my voice..." Izuku says taking a shaky breath in between now and then. "Well done can you tell me 3 things you can feel?" I say rubbing his back trying to comfort him. "I can feel you legs around me, your hands on my ears and my chest pain.." Izuku says placing his hand on his chest. "Alright, can you tell me 2 things you want to do after school today?" I ask still rubbing his back. "I want to slip and eat ice cream." He says a bit more happy. "Ok last question, what do you want to do right now if you had the choice?" I say hugging him from behind. "Umm maybe slip and hug you till I feel better..." He says shyly. He has almost fully calmed down now and I decided to tickle him seeing if he would slip. "Hahahah Kacchan stop! Daddy pwes stop!" Izuku shouts trying to pry me off him. "Baby boy how old are you and I will stop tickling you." I ask curiously. "Twoo pwes stop!" Izuku shouts trying to pry me off again. I stop tickling Izu and pick him up and place him on my knee making him face me, I slowly bounce my knee uo and down making Izu giggle it made me smile that my boyfriend was happy with me when he is such a vulnerable state. "Daddyyyy..." Izuku whined. "Yes baby?" I ask confused. I look down to see Izuku holding his crouch. "I need to go potty" he whined. I only panicked because he was at a young age and I don't have any diapers on me right now because I accidentally left his autism and littlespace bag at home. "Ok baby don't panic just wait a second, please" I take Izuku off of my knee and stand up putting him on my hip while turning around and opening the toilet seat and then I turn back to Izu and ask "can you undo your trousers or do you need help?" "I need help" Izuku said fidgeting trying to undo his trousers. "Ok baby calm down let me help" I say undoing the button on his trousers and doing the zip. I then put the trousers to his knees and move on to the boxers and slowly pulling it down to his knees again before lifting him up onto the toilet seat. He did his business looking down before a me smiling. "I done daddy!" Izuku says making grabby hands to me. "Well done baby let's pull up your boxers and trousers" I replied slowly pulling up Izukus boxers then just pulling up his trousers but gets stopped half way.
"No I don't want trousers they are icky" Izuku says refusing to pull up his trousers. "But baby we have class in a few minutes and we need trousers on ok" I say trying to reason with him. "Fineee..." Izuku whined. "Thank you baby" I say pulling up his trousers. "Baby since we have class now can I have big zuzu back now?" I ask nicely to see is Izuku would give up and go to his original headspace. I look at Izuku and see he is thinking about it really hard. "Umm I really don't wanna leave though and big zuzu doesn't wanna come back yet" Izuku slowly began to become teary eyed. "Its ok izu I am not mad but do you know why big zuzu doesn't want to come out yet?" I ask trying to figure out why normal izuku doesn't want out. Izuku then replies with "he is scared that his ears will ring and he will have the chest pain again" Izu replies. "Oh can I talk with Zuzu for a minute?" I ask trying now to panic. "Okie" Izuku says then I gave him a minute before big zuzu if here. "What's wrong?" Izuku says now in his normal headspace. "Nothing we have class now though" I says getting up from the floor helping Izuku up. "B-but i-i I don't wanna go to class!" Izuku shouts and starts crying. He falls back to the floor and curls up into a ball rocking back and forth. It hurt me seeing him so upset and sat back down on the toilet seat and picks Izuku back up and I assumed that he would of slipped again so I set him on the end of my knee I bounced my knee up and down before Izuku said something which made me panic. "Hey daddy do you smell gas?" "No baby why would I sme-" I say before stopping half way through my sentence before turning back to Izuku who was in littlespace. 'Shit Izuku in this headspace has never experienced a seizure before' I thought to myself before getting snapped out of my thoughts from crying. "Daddy the smell is getting stronger" izuku said between tears. "Baby boy I know your scared but the best thing is for you to get big zuzu, ok?" I say hugging Izuku waiting for bigger Izuku to show. A minute later I heard Izuku voice that wasn't so babyish. "Kacchan... I am about to have a seizure!" Izuku says in a panic standing up. "I know Izu but please sit down it will make it worse if you stand up" I says trying to get Izuku to sit down. "I-i..." Izuku stutters before falling to the ground of the bathroom stall and starts to shake uncontrollably. "IZUKU!" I shout rushing over and placing him on the floor straight not to hurt himself.

{Nobody's pov}

Katsuki starts a timer extremely concerned because Izuku just came of of his aggression age and was freaking out about having a seizure. 3 minutes go by and Izuku stops shaking but is breathing heavily. Katsuki turns Izuku onto his side and rubbing his back comforting Izuku. "Are you ok now, Izu?" Katsuki questions as he continues to rub Izuku's back. "I am fine, I just need a second..." Izuku says catching his breath before sighing. "We should probably head to class now we are already ten minutes late" Katsuki said helping Izuku up off the ground. "Yeah you are right we probably should" Izuku said agreeing with Katsuki's statement. Katsuki makes sure Izuku takes it slowly on their way to class, but as they are approached the classroom door Katsuki noticed Izuku's nervousness. "What's wrong, why so nervous?" Katsuki asks bluntly. "Umm they are going to stare at us when we walk into the classroom I do t want to be stared at." Izuku responded. "Want me to cover your eyes when we walk in to the classroom?" Katsuki asks with a calm but soft expression on his face. Izuku just nodded his head meaning yes he wants Katsuki cover his eyes when they walk into class. Katsuki then covers Izuku's eyes and opens the door of the classroom to be met but a class of stares including the teacher. "Why are you late to second period, Bakugou and Midoriya?" The teacher questioned giving then a sturn look. Katsuki continued to cover Izukus eyes to not scare the greenette with the deadly stares. Katsuki answers the teachers questions and head to his and Izuku's seats before helping Izuku in his seat and then headed to his own seat. Class continued as normal, pretty boring as any lesson as usual. But by the end of the day Izuku was mentally and physically exhausted and just wanted sleep as for Katsuki, Katsuki's goal was to make sure Izuku was fine as he had, had a lot of problems through out the day, but when they got home Izuku didn't bother having dinner and just wanted sleep. He headed to his bedroom and collapsed on the bed already asleep. Katsuki smiled at the sight of his little actually tired for once. Katsuki lays next to Izuku bringing Izuku into an embrace and whispers in his ears before falling asleep himself.

"I love you"

Thanks you for reading this new chapter I hope this is long enough you you 1725 words. See you in the next chapter.

It's difficult (BakuDeku)Seizures/Autistic/Littlespace DekuWhere stories live. Discover now