Chapter 2

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Here you are

Sitting in your living room and in front of you, were two tiny ass boys from the game you play, Twisted Wonderland.

Except these two are from chapter 7 and pretty sure you know damn well who these two tiny people are.


General Lilia....

And the Knight of Dawn....

(Can I say that there are rumors that his name is Aurelias something, I don't know I was just heard about that and unsure if it was true)

You're just grateful they'd didn't start fighting in your living room.

Pretty sure you would probably just yeet them if they did.

Lilia had his arms crossed and glaring at you.

The other was rather calm yet you can tell he's on edge and cautious.

You eyed Lilia, having two reasons why he's pissed.

One, he wants to know how you know him.

And two, you took his cleaver away.

Yeah, you took that weapon of his away after he broke one of your glass cups.

Now he's all grumpy and pissed.

"Are you just gonna stand there or you gonna say something!"

You blinked when Lilia shouted, still glaring at you.

'Jeez... Grumpy indeed ....'

"Sorry boys, let me just state this. Whatever I am gonna say, is the truth so please don't be.... Upset."

You spoke, seeing Lilia eyeing you but listening and the Knight of Dawn nodding in acknowledgement.

You let out a sigh and mentally prepare yourself.

"Okay so to be blunt, you are from a game I play and you aren't exactly.... Real...."



"Excuse me?/I beg your pardon?"

Lilia glared and wasn't taking it.

"What do you mean 'not real'? We look pretty real over here!"

You sighed and leaned down a bit.

"I can see that but you both are from a game called 'Twisted Wonderland' and you are from the recent chapter that I was playing...."

You pointed at the Knight of Dawn who tensed up a bit.

"You are the Knight of Dawn, second in command and under Henrik... Correct?"

You see him tensed up at what you stated, slowly nodding in confirmation.

"... Yes... That's... Correct..."

You then turned and pointed at Lilia who continued to glare at you.

"And you, Lilia Vanrouge, General of Briar Valley and-"

Your cut off when you heard your doorbell ring, making you flinch and grabbed the tiny boys out of reflex.

Which Lilia wasn't very happy as he started to squirm and yell at you.

"Put me down!!"

"Excuse me! I'd rather be placed down!"

You winced and opened a cabinet within your living room.

".... Sorry boys...."

You spoke and put them inside the cabinet before closing it shut.

Standing up and heading towards your front door.

Opening it and seeing it was a delivery man, giving your package which you thanked.

'At least it wasn't another of those kids who ring the doorbell and run off.... Annoying little motherfuckers....'

You turned around, only to flinch when seeing Lilia with his arms crossed.

"How did you- you know what, nevermind."

You then see the Dawn knight also getting out of the cabinet.

"Okay look, imma be blunt and say that the both of you are from a game, from a recent chapter that I was just playing and I sort of know you both."

You then held a serious expression and he felt held your hand out for the Dawn knight to hop on.

He was a bit hesitant yet you gave him a look of reassurance, seeing his slowly taking a few tiny steps and stepping onto your palm.

"I can try to find a way to send you both back to your world but, I will say one thing."

You then deadpan and placed the Dawn Knight down on the table where Lilia is standing.

"No fighting. You got that?"

You sternly spoke, seeing The Dawn Knight nodding but Lilia.

Still being a grumpy piece of shit scoffed and looked away.

'listen here you damn Fae, you fight and break another thing in my house then I won't hesitate to Yeet your tiny ass out of the window. Be fucking grateful....'

"....tch..... Fine."

You smiled and used your finger to pay Lilia on the head.

Which he wasn't happy and swatted your finger away.

You chuckled and glanced at the clock.

Seeing how there was still sometime before nightfall.

"Well, I guess you both can just relax and get used to your surroundings and.... Maybe explore if you want to know your way around here...."

Again, you held your palm out for them to get on.

Only the Dawn Knight walked into your palm, seeming to slowly trust you yet he was still cautious due to your giant size but he does appreciates your hospitality and kindness to help them.

Meanwhile, Lilia glared and refused to walk into your palm.

You slightly rolled your eyes at Lilia's stubbornness but didn't say anything, putting the Dawn Knight onto the floor.

"Lilia, you don't want me to put you down."

"I can get down myself."

Cue, Lilia jumping off the table and seeing his grumpy tiny form walking off

"..... Be my guest then ....."

You straightened up and went ahead to return to the kitchen, in the mood for some coffee.

"Also Lilia, your not getting your cleaver back."

"Huh?! How come he can have his!?"

Lilia angrily pointed at the Dawn Knight who was a bit curious and fascinated by your Giant TV as he never seen a giant black box.

"Cause he didn't broke one my glass cups not tried to attack me."

Yet you decide to make the stupidest decision to turn on the TV which not only startled the tiny boys but the Dawn Knight threw his sword at the TV out of reflex.

Thankfully you manage to grab the sword in time

"Woah! Chill!! It's just a TV!!"

"Why does it have moving pictures!?"

"What sort of witchcraft is this?"

"It's not witchcraft, it's just technology-"

"Well technology isn't this advanced in our world."

You sighed and mentally regretted the decision already.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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