Chapter 2: Making the most of it

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### The Day After the News

The morning after Jaden shared his big news with everyone, there was a sense of bittersweet excitement in the air. Aria woke up with a determination to make the most of the time they had left together before Jaden's departure to Los Angeles. She wanted to create one more perfect day that they could both cherish forever.

Aria and Jaden decided to start the day with breakfast at their favorite diner, a cozy place they'd frequented since they were kids. The smell of fresh pancakes and coffee greeted them as they walked in, and they slid into their usual booth by the window.

"Remember the time we tried to make our own pancakes and ended up with a kitchen disaster?" Jaden chuckled, recalling the flour-covered chaos.

Aria laughed, shaking her head. "How could I forget? I think we found flour in the cupboards for weeks after that."

As they ate, they reminisced about their shared memories—school pranks, summer adventures, and quiet moments like these. It was a walk down memory lane that reinforced the depth of their bond.

#### Late Morning: A Hike to Their Special Spot

After breakfast, Aria suggested they go on a hike to their special spot in the woods, a hidden clearing with a beautiful view of the valley below. It was a place where they'd often gone to escape, think, and talk about their dreams.

As they hiked, the conversation shifted to Jaden's upcoming move. "Are you nervous about LA?" Aria asked, genuinely curious.

Jaden paused, considering. "A little. It's a big change, but it's also exciting. It's a chance to grow and do something new. But leaving here, leaving you... that's the hardest part."

Aria reached out and squeezed his hand. "I know you'll do great, Jay. And you'll always have a piece of home with you."

#### Afternoon: Picnic and Planning

Once they reached the clearing, they spread out a blanket and enjoyed a picnic lunch that Aria had packed. As they ate, they talked about their plans for staying in touch. Video calls, visits during holidays, and sending each other updates on their lives became the topics of conversation.

"Let's make a pact," Jaden said, holding up his pinky finger. "No matter what, we'll always find a way to stay connected."

Aria hooked her pinky around his, sealing the promise. "Deal."

#### Evening: A Movie Marathon

As the sun began to set, they headed back to Aria's house for a movie marathon. They picked out a mix of their favorite films—some that made them laugh, some that made them cry, and some that just reminded them of the times they'd shared.

They made popcorn, settled on the couch, and wrapped themselves in cozy blankets. As the movies played, they found themselves drifting between watching and talking, enjoying the simple comfort of each other's presence.

#### Late Night: A Walk Under the Stars

After the movie marathon, they decided to take a walk under the stars. The night was clear, and the sky was filled with twinkling lights. They walked in comfortable silence for a while, simply enjoying the beauty of the night and the peace of the moment.

"Look, a shooting star," Jaden pointed out, breaking the silence.

Aria closed her eyes and made a wish. "I wished for you to find everything you're looking for in LA," she said softly.

Jaden smiled, touched by her thoughtfulness. "And I wished for us to always stay as close as we are now."

### Final Moments: Heartfelt Goodbyes

As they returned to Aria's house, the weight of the impending farewell settled over them. The porch light cast a warm glow, creating a small bubble of light in the otherwise dark night. They lingered there, both reluctant to let the day—and their time together—end.

"Thank you for today," Jaden said softly, breaking the silence. He pulled Aria into a tight embrace, his arms wrapped securely around her. "It was perfect."

Aria buried her face in his shoulder, breathing in his familiar scent. "Thank you for being my best friend, Jaden," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I'm going to miss you so much."

Jaden tightened his hold on her, his own voice unsteady. "I'll miss you too, Aria. More than words can say."

They stood there for a long moment, the only sound the soft rustle of leaves in the night breeze. Aria clung to him, memorizing the feel of his embrace, the steady beat of his heart against hers. She didn't want to let go, didn't want to face the reality that soon he would be gone.

Eventually, they pulled back slightly, just enough to look into each other's eyes. Jaden reached up to gently brush a tear from Aria's cheek. "This isn't goodbye forever, Sunshine," he said, his voice filled with determination. "We'll stay in touch, and I'll come back to visit as often as I can. We have too much history to let distance change that."

Aria nodded, blinking back more tears. "I know. And I'll be here, cheering you on every step of the way. You're going to do amazing things in LA, Jaden. I believe in you."

A small, bittersweet smile tugged at Jaden's lips. "And I'll be carrying you with me, every step of the way. You're my anchor, Aria."

With one last, lingering look, Jaden leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. "Goodnight, Sunshine," he whispered.

"Goodnight, Jay," Aria replied, her heart aching but filled with hope.

Jaden slowly stepped back, their hands lingering together until the last possible moment. He gave her one final, reassuring smile before turning to head home. Aria stood on the porch, watching him go, the distance between them growing with each step.

As Jaden disappeared into the night, Aria wrapped her arms around herself, feeling the emptiness left by his absence. But she also felt a spark of determination. This was not the end of their story, just the beginning of a new chapter. And no matter what, they would always find their way back to each other.

With a deep breath, Aria turned and went inside, holding onto the promise they had made. Their paths might be diverging for now, but their bond would remain unbreakable, bridging the gap between Tennessee and LA.


Hi again. Hope y'all are enjoying this. And I'm going to be straight up honest with you, I have no fucking idea where this book is going. Like I wrote it because it's kinda what's happening with me, and my friends, except honestly I don't think any of them care.. but that doesn't matter. Anyways yall enjoy this!

- S. D. R

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