Rygor's Past

364 16 3

Dragon talk and yelling- "Bold, underlined and Italic"

Whispering and thinking- *small , underlined*

Writing- "Italic"

Human talk- "bold and underlined"


☄Xeno pov☄

It's has been a two days and one night since the riders left the Edge.

It's currently nighttime, and I was sleeping in the training arena.

My eyes shoot open suddenly, and I stretch with a yawn, looking around while sniffing the air. There's no sign or scent of the riders.

"Thank Fatalis those pests and their dragons aren't here." I mutter to myself as I spread my wings and take off.

As I soar through the night sky, I notice a small dragon trying to follow me stealthily, though it's doing a poor job of it.

As I soar through the night sky, I notice a small dragon trying to follow me stealthily, though it's doing a poor job of it

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Pretending not to notice, I dive into the ocean and come up with a mouthful of fish.

Returning to the pests island, I ate some of the fish before flying off again, secretly watching as the little dragon starts eating the leftovers.

Seeing my opportunity, I swoop down and tackle the smaller dragon, pinning it to the ground.

I pinned the smaller dragon to the ground, my jaw slightly open to reveal a flicker of blue fire.

"What are you, you piece of shit?" I growl, watching as the little dragon quivers beneath me.

"I... I'm a Wyvern Rex. M... my species are cousins of the Tiger Rex but smaller," it stutters, clearly terrified.

I narrow my eyes, taking in its trembling form.

"And what do you think you're doing following me?" I demand, my voice dripping with menace.

"Because I'm the l... last o... of my pack and I... I saw this is... island and I was sleeping here and then saw you," the Wyvern Rex stutters, his fear evident in his voice.

I growl a bit, my frustration simmering, but then I lift my claws off him.

"Stay here, and if you leave, I will hunt you down," I warn, my tone leaving no room for argument.

Without waiting for a response, I spread my wings and dive into the ocean, bursting out with a mouthful of fish.

I land back at the island and drop the fish next to the leftovers.

Xeno the Dark Light DragonWhere stories live. Discover now