2||we meet again

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I decided to spend the day with my best friends, Henry and Ava. Meeting up at our usual spot in front of the campus library, I waited for them. I was always the first one no matter where we met up.

Henry would always come last, preferably ten minutes late and Ava was always right on time. Speaking of which, I saw her silky black hair pop out from the glass door. Surprisingly with Henry already next to her.

I waved them over as they laughed and came towards me.

"What are you laughing about?" I asked them as Ava sat beside me, calming down her laughter to tell me.

"Oh this guy was hitting on me, but in a very weird way. I didn't get it until he straight up asked to show him my cunt." She said laying her hair on one shoulder. My mouth dropped open as I looked at Henry who giggled at my expression.

"I would've punched that guy in the face if I had been there." He shrugged his shoulders making me and ava look at him with a look of amusement.

"We all know you wouldn't have done that." Ava smiled leaning back on the palms of her hands. I just shook my head knowing damn well that Henry's all bark but no bite.

"I would do anything for you." He looked at Ava with a glistening in his eyes that made my heart melt. He looked at me and cleared his throat "For both of you, of course." Ava slapped his arm jokingly.

"Yeah, yeah you would even attack a 6 foot tall man if it were for us. Come on." She stood up slinging the bag over her shoulder and led the way to our favorite coffee shop.

"You're right, I would even suck his balls to save your life." He skipped to walk beside her and I watched them snicker in front of me. So the thing is Henry is hopelessly in love with Ava, but she won't see it. I'm pretty sure she knows but doesn't believe it or doesn't want to.

Henry basically has all the girls at his feet, I mean not that I blame them. With his dirty blonde hair and the cocky attitude, plus decent style and you've got yourself a banger. They're all swoon as soon as he opens his mouth and that's where I can't follow, cause he's not the brightest and the dirty jokes can be a little over the top sometimes.

Ava on the other hand she's pretty much the opposite, reading books all the time and only going on dates every once in a while. I don't know if it's the romance books that make her so delusional or if it's just that she has high standards, overall I don't know why she's single.

She's perfect, kind, beautiful, and smart. Any boy would be lucky to have her and Henry just fell for her charm and I know it's been a while. Sure he made out with girls from time to time but I don't think they mean anything to him.

Sighing I moved in between the old married couple to stop the arguing.

"So.....have you guys heard Mr.Cooper wants us to do a partner presentation?" I asked looking at them both.

"Actually?" Henry asked and I nodded my head as an answer. Opening the door of the shop I was immediately met with the heavy smell of coffee, it was somewhat relaxing.

We sat down at our usual table near the window. Ava was already unpacking her reading supplies, the current book, a marker, post its, a pencil, and her glasses. It was always like this me and Henry having our yap session as Ava tuned us out to focus on her fictional men.

I stood up and went to get our drinks. As usual an espresso for Ava, a caramel macchiato for Henry, and a matcha for me. I waited up front and just as I went to grab our drinks someone bumped into me, causing me to almost drop them.

"Hey, watch where you-" I looked up into the same chocolate brown eyes as yesterday. I don't know how I knew they were the same, maybe it was the deepness of the color or th-

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking." He said. And looked me up and down, I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I seemed drowned by him, his presence muffling my inner voice and my thoughts.

I took in his appearance. Grey sweats and a black hoodie, the dark color making his freckles pop out. He had messy dark brown curls that seemed wet, he looked like he just came from the gym a black bag slung over his shoulder, and his headphones hanging around his neck.

His eyes looked tired but alive at the same time, his lips were plump and moving. Oh fuck he was speaking.

"W-What?" I stuttered. Shit I was staring at him, I'm such a creep.

"I asked if you were okay." He smiled and at the corner of his lips, I could see little creases.


"Y-yeah, I-I'm fine." Why the fuck am I stuttering? God this is embarrassing. Should I thank him for saving me last night? He'd probably think I'm weird or should I......

I wanted to say something but he was already gone.

With a sigh I returned to our table and handed everyone their drinks, both of them thanking me.

"What was that?" Henry asked me, I replied with a raise of my eyebrows sipping my matcha.

"Oh, he just bumped into me that's all." I shrugged my shoulders knowing damn well I was lying. I saw him yesterday and he had the same weird effect as today.

"You do know that's Luca Besov right?" Henry continued.


"The hottest mystery on campus. He's part of the football team, pretty decent dude but nobody knows scrap about him." Henry told me as if it was something out of a crime novel.

"Is he what now, part of the mafia?" I said sarcastically with a roll of my eyes.

"You never know, I also didn't think you were." He mumbled making me sush him. Henry and Ava were the only ones that knew about my family and my family knew about them. At first, my father was furious that I had brought friends home but once he got to know them and held a knife to their throat he was fine with it.

"Can you shut it?" I commented taking another long sip of my matcha.

The rest of the day we spent talking and sharing the latest gossip. It was fun, it always is. I love my friends they're like my family, especially since my real one doesn't feel like a family.

I had to leave at 8 pm since my father had a curfew for us. Yes, I am nineteen and my father still has a curfew for me. His need to control everyone and everything really drives me insane but what can I do about it?

When I got home I went straight to Thiago's room. He was sitting at his desk when I entered, doing his homework.

"Lena!" Thiago shouted and ran up to me, taking my hand. I sat down next to him and saw his French homework. Thiago is in fifth grade and it always shocks me how they're already supposed to learn three languages.

I guess it was the same with me tho, Dad sent us all to the same private school until me and my sister had to go to college. We are all extraordinary students with straight A's in every subject but my dad wouldn't have it another way.

"Can you help me with French?" He looked up at me through his eyelashes with a peading look.

"Of course, I'll help you, thia." I placed a kiss on his forehead and started with the first assignment.

Four hours

It took us, well me, four hours to finish Thiago's homework.

At some point, Thiago fell asleep on my lap and I was left to finish his homework. Otherwise, Dad would've been pissed, none of us can have so much as a bump in our academic record.

And it really shouldn't have taken me that long to finish a ten year olds homework but that shit's hard. The last thirty minutes were excruciating, my eyes kept shutting and I was yawning non-stop.

After finally finishing I carried Thiago into his bed and went to my room. I got unready and passed out in bed.

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