3|| Partner Project

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I was just as motivated for school as any morning, not at all. The only good thing was that we'd finally get the partners for our presentation, I really hope I'll get someone who puts effort into it. Not like all the other times where I had to do all the work.

I didn't see Thiago this morning which didn't make me feel any better. I swear if Dad hit him again I will slit his throat.

I went to the garage and hopped on my bike, the least bit of consistency I have in my life is her. I got her for my seventeenth birthday and I haven't spent a day without her since.

The first classes of the day were boring, considering I didn't have Ava or Henry with me. As I made my way toward my next class I felt something weird. As if someone was looking at me or dare I say following.

I turned around to almost bump into the guy whose name I learned yesterday was Luca. He came to an abrupt stop and looked up from his phone to me. His headphones were placed around his neck like yesterday and he was wearing the same black hoodie.

His hair was slightly styled not as messy and hot- I mean wet as yesterday. He looked at me with a confused look making me clear my throat.

Nothing came out.

I didn't say anything.

I just turned around and went into the classroom. Shit, why didn't I say anything. I'm not like this, never, I always have a comeback or can't shut up. What the fuck is wrong with me?

I listened to what Mr. Cooper was saying and took notes, his was actually one of my favorite classes. My head perked up when I heard him announce the project partners.

"Henry Sanders, you will be working with..." Mr. Cooper thought for a second, his eyes scanning across the classroom. For a brief moment, I hoped he would pick me but life isn't that fortunate "Ava Reed." I practically saw his smirk as I knew exactly why he put them together.

"Elena Ruiz, your partner will be Luca Besov." I was frozen not being able to comprehend what he had just said. The guy who started showing up everywhere I went, paired up with me.

Is the universe trying to tell me something? God? No? Ok.

I turned around and looked through the classroom until my eyes landed on him. I analyzed the way he leaned back in his chair casually until my eyes met his. He was already staring at me, I quickly turned back to the front.

What? I didn't care who I looked at or who caught me looking at them. It's always the other way around.

The bell rang and not even two seconds later Becky Smith stood in front of me. In her sparkly skirt and pink juicy cotoure jacket she looked straight out of mean girls.

"Do you wanna come to my party on Friday?" She handed me a pink envelope with my name on it. I plastered a smile and nodded.

"Sure, I'll come." When she walked away I stuffed the invitation into my bag and rolled my eyes.

"You know it's not polite to roll your eyes." I turned at the deep voice behind me coming face to face with Luca once again. I gulped, he once again stood way too close for my liking.

"What you're not gonna say anything, I shouldn't be surprised though." He said causing me to blink.


"You never say anything, you just stare at me like I ran over your dog." He chuckled passing me and we walked out together.

"I have a cat, I mean sorry." I shake my head. What is wrong with me?

"So when do you wanna start with the project?" I looked to my side and into Luca's eyes and found him staring at me AGAIN.

"You got time tonight?" He nodded and opened his mouth but I knew I had to say something first.

"At your place?" We both asked at the same place causing us to laugh. Awkward silence took over as none of us knew what to say. We both walked to the parking lot in silence until I decided to break it.

"We could meet at my place I guess." I knew I shouldn't have said that, this was a bad idea but then again I could never say no. My dad was so gonna kill me, I can't let strangers into our house.


"Yeah, should I come with you right now? Then we can start as soon as possible?" He asked moving to the bikes me following.

"Sure." I nodded putting my helmet on and swinging a leg over my Yamaha. I looked over to Luca and saw a sight I wouldn't forget so soon, god this is wrong.

He took off his hoodie and was left in a white wife beater as he put on his helmet. My eyes almost fell out of their sockets, a Kawasaki Ninja 400. black of course. I had never seen one in real life not to speak of free roaming. I guess I didn't notice that night.


"Papá, voy a invitar a un amigo." I shouted as soon as I entered the palace, Luca following behind me. He admired our big mansion (Dad, I'm having a friend over.)

"Quién, ava o henry?" He yelled from his office as I waddled over, preparing for the big confrontation before signaling Luca to wait in the foyer. (Who, Ava or Henry?)

"No, otro amigo su nombre es Luca." I shouted coming closer and closer to the slightly open office door. (No, another friend his name is Luca.)

"Jovencita, sabes que no apruebo que haya gente nueva en nuestra casa. Será mejor que no le hayas hablado de nosotros." My father yelled but quieted down at the end once I entered. (Young lady, you know I don't approve of new people in our house. You better not have told him about us.)

"Por supuesto que no se lo dije. Tenemos que trabajar en algo para la escuela. Prometo que es amable y no hará preguntas." I explain hoping to persuade him. (Of course, I didn't tell him. We have to work on something for school. I promise he's nice and won't ask questions.)

"Qué dijo Jake sobre que invitaras a un chico?" My father questioned looking up from his papers for the first time in our conversation. (What did Jake say about you having a boy over?)

"Él está bien con eso." I lied, of course, I didn't have time to ask him and I didn't need his permission anyway. (He's fine with it.)

"Come on, we're going upstairs." I motioned for Luca to follow me. He abandoned his position of leaning against the wall and followed me up the marble stairs.

"Your house is so big, what do your parents do for work?" Luca asked as we entered my room. I tried avoiding the question as smoothly as possible.

"Yeah I know right, but you get used to it. Anyway, should we start with the project?" He nodded and we sat down at my desk. We were already working for about an hour when Thiago came storming in.

"Lena, Lena! Guess who got an A on their French assignment, Me that's right!" Thiago jumped on my bed in victory, only stopping once he noticed Luca.

"Why do you have a handsome dude sitting in your room?" My little brother asked walking over to Luca and examining him like a zoo animal.

"Luca, this is Thiago, my little brother. Thiago, this is Luca a friend of mine." I introduced the two as Thiago examined him further before reaching out his fist.

"Sup, bro." Thiago said in a deep voice.
"Not much, you?" Luca chuckled, fist-bumping him.

"You already know dude, I got an A in my French exam." He shouted the last part and started dancing again, before I picked him up and sat him in front of my door.

"Thia, I'm sorry but we have to work." I looked at him with apologetic eyes but he just rolled his.

"Yeah, work" he said sarcastically before making kissing noises. I quickly slammed the door shut before my phone rang.


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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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