First day

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I walked into my new school, it's bigger than my schools before. The entrance has three big glass doors that open automatically. I feel like I walked into a rich guy's villa or something. I've never been to a school this big and modern. But this could also mean two things: 1. The people here are kind or 2. The people here are arrogant and the opposite of kind. But I guess I'll have to find that one out. So, I walked through the halls, it's not easy being at a new school again. This is my 5th school already, since I've always had problems with bullying or my grades because of my mental health. This is my last hope, this school.

As I made my way through the halls I tried to look confused, even though not wearing a uniform shows enough that I'm new here. I've always been too scared to talk to new people I've never seen before, that's why I'm trying to get noticed by someone that could help me out. Since I must get my uniform and schedule, dumb school not even showing me around, now I have no idea where to go. And instead of someone helping me out I can just feel them staring at me, laughing at me about how I'm lost. I could feel my sweat running down my face, it started to get bad, but this is not the first time this has happened. I just need to get to a quiet place to calm down. To help with that I always say to myself "There's always a solution, everything will go alright". In this case, the solution is someone helping me or finding it myself. But that's literally impossible by how giant this school is. The halls are longer than my life, and from what I could already see, are the classrooms as big as my house. But there's always a solution, right? Let's see how this goes, first I need to find a quiet place to calm down.

As I finally found the girls bathroom, I went in and left faster than I thought I would. The girls were all ugly laughing and giggling, putting ugly make-up on and some were even smoking. It was hella stinky in there, full of cigarettes and fruit and flowery deodorant scents. So, I went out to find a different place, I started running. I really didn't wanna be late on my first day, everything was going bad.

But instead of finding a quiet place, because that would take too long, I just tried to calm myself down in the middle of the hallway. I took a deep breath in and out. To my luck, it actually kinda worked, I finally had the courage to ask someone the way. "Um hello! Do you mind telling me the way to the principal's office, please?", I asked shy and nervous with sweat running down my neck. If she won't help me, I'll just give up, it's too much for me already. I lost all my hope, even though it's been only about 10 minutes here. The thing is that I must stay strong for my mother. She had to work hard to get me at a new school. If I get this done, I won't have to talk with anyone here again, so it'll be worth it. "Ew no, you look sweaty and red in your face. Maybe take a shower first before appearing to the principal. You do know it would be very unrespectful to show up to her like that?!", from saying this, to screaming at me. She's right, because of my nervousness I go sweaty and probably smell even more than the girls bathroom. I wanted to just cry but instead I said: "You're right, I'm sorry to have bothered you. Thanks for your time."

I walked away, full of shame. Why did I do that? Why did I even ask her in the first place? She already gave me that bitch look when I walked up to her. I could have just gone to someone else, someone that maybe looked kind. But who cares now anyway, it already happened, there's nothing to change now. I'll just walk more and more till something happens that leads to the office. Even if I'm sweaty, even if I may stink. I still must go to her if I don't wanna be expelled on my first day.

Filled with sorrow, I just walk to wherever seems about right. Then someone suddenly tapped on my right shoulder. I turned around and saw a girl. No, the most beautiful girl in the world. I think I started to sweat even more. "I'm new here", she says, "could you please show me the way to the principals office?". FUCK! I scream loudly in my mind. Why am I new here? Now I have to turn her down. "Oh my, I would love to, but sadly I'm also new here and have also no idea where I'm going right now", I explain to her kindly, as I put my hand behind my neck. I'm so nervous right now. She understood: "I see, how about we find the way together then?". I freaked out, finally someone kind willing to help me, even if she also doesn't know where to go. This is literally perfect. I've got hope now. "Gladly, that would help me very well."

I noticed that she's very social, she found the way very quickly. So all my problems were just my fault, I wish I was like her. At the principal's office we explained why we were late, she just slept late while I had a mental breakdown.  

In the first period we had math together, we were sitting together and tried to get to know eachother a bit better. She told me that she has two dogs, Jacky and Sarah. I'm more of a cat person but the way her face lit up talking about her dogs, makes me feel things I've never felt before. Maybe I'll start liking dogs now. Wait, but why would I start liking dogs just because she likes them? I just know her for a few minutes, that makes no sense, I make no sense. I caught myself staring at her for a bit, she didn't really notice since she yapped a lot. 

The math teacher didn't seem to care, she was extremely lost in her book. No that I mind or anything, it's the perfect oppurtunity to become friends with her. I've never made friends that fast at a new school before. So, I'm really glad she talked to me. My eyes wander from the teacher back to the girl. She's still talking, it's fascinating how much she can talk without minding if I even listen. With that, I notice that I didn't even get her name. 

How can I even think about liking dogs just because she likes them, when I dont even know her name yet?! I feel stupid, this day is really humiliating me. Should I ask her? But I don't want to interrupt her. I guess she doesn't often talk about the things she likes, otherwise she wouldn't be so happy about them and wouldn't keep talking about them. I'm just gonna wait till she stops talking. 


This is just a small chapter for the beginning, let me know what you think. I'll probably change some things sooner or later. Stay tuned for the real start of the story! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23 ⏰

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