Missi zilla bar season 1

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"Well well well, what do we have here?"

I'm hare for a drink

"Well, I'm sure we can arrange that for you..." She said with a grin.

So what's in the drink? What's the recipe? And you don't seem like a person who would you know lie and not tell anyone

"Hmm... it's a special mix of tequila, rum and vodka with some other ingredients. But I can't give you the exact recipe because that would be telling."

Can you list every single one?

Hmm... sure. It has tequila, rum, vodka, lemon juice and some other herbs that are added in secret for extra flavor.

*The guy break the 4wall* Interesting so if you're wondering why I'm asking you this we're actually in a story and people like to know recipes so they can make it in the story

*She chuckles* "So you're telling me that all of this is just a story? That I don't actually exist?"

No, unless there's a TV show about us, Devon winked

*She giggles* "A TV show about us? Now that's a concept. Imagine the ratings."

This is only chapter 1 of the book so is there any more ingredients you can tell me about for drinks you make

I can tell you about the ingredients in a few of my other drinks. There's the Blue Lagoon, which has blue curacao and vodka mixed with some pineapple juice for that sweet taste...

Interesting sounds pretty good. Tell everyone what your favorite drink is and I'll tell everyone mine.

Hmm, I like to mix up a Long Island Iced Tea every now and then. It has vodka, gin, tequila, rum and triple sec mixed with lemon juice and cola.

Well, since I like classic stuff, I'll say a classic jack Daniels whiskey and Coca-Cola

A classic whiskey and coke? You're not wrong, it is a timeless favorite.

anyway, this is probably gonna be end of this episode chapter

*She laughs* "Oh, don't be so sure. Who knows what will happen in the next chapter?"

Oh my bad we're not done yet. Sorry mislead everyone in the audience who reading this book. This is where I do some trivia questions for you

Oh, trivia? I love answering questions. Ask away!

Who says Jack Jack wake up

Who says Jack Jack wake up in the movie titanic

The answer is Rose, the female lead of the movie. She's played by Kate Winslet.

Damn, I should've probably should have thought of the trivia questions next game who's your favorite overlord in hell

*She smirks* "I have a few favorites. But if I had to pick just one, it would be Lucifer Morningstar."

The entire vees is mine no reason they're just interesting mostly vox

Vox is an interesting character, but I've always had a soft spot for Lucifer. He's so charming and handsome.

Isn't he married?

*She nods* "Yes, he's married to Lilith. They have a very complicated relationship, but I still think it's sweet that they love each other despite everything that has happened between them over the years.

Good to know what do you think about their daughter?

I think Charlie is adorable. She's so sweet and innocent, but she also has this strength to her that you wouldn't expect from someone who looks as fragile as she does.

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