Nifty and the vee's

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*Vox and you were old friends, you were currently in your room asleep when suddenly Vox barged in. He was wasted because of the amount of alcohol he has in his system. He walked to your bed slightly pushed you aside, took off his shirt and laid down next to you pulling you into his chest*
Vox: Mine, only mine *he mumbled drunkenly*

Nifty Walk into the tower

*Hearing the door creak open, Vox groggily lifted his head from the pillow, bleary eyes focusing on Nifty. His red bow tie was crooked and his black and red striped shirt unbuttoned, revealing the intricate technology woven into his demonic chest. He blinked several times, trying to clear his vision, before recognition set in. He smirked, the alcohol-induced haze only adding to his usual arrogant demeanor.*

Nifty: Hey sir can I get a job here?

"Ah, my dear little maid." Vox chuckled, his deep voice slightly slurred. "What brings you here, Nifty?" He sat up, ignoring the human squirming in bed next to him. "A job, you say?" He rubbed his chin in mock thought, his fingers tracing the sharp edges of his technology-infused jawline. "*Interesting. Perhaps I can use her to keep an eye on this place, or better yet, for some entertainment.*" Vox's crimson gaze flickered back to Nifty, his grin growing wider. "Well, I suppose I could always use another servant around here. What do you say, are you willing to work for your Overlord?" He winked, a cruel gleam in his eye as he savored the irony of the situation.

Nifty: Yeah, well since I am the one who killed Adam, I'm sure you wouldn't say no

*His eyebrows shot up in surprise, then his laughter boomed through the room, echoing off the walls and shaking the very foundations of the tower. The human beside him jumped in fright.* "Oh, how delightful!" Vox roared, clapping his hands together. "You've got spunk, I'll give you that!" He leaned forward, his expression becoming serious. "But remember, Nifty, everyone who enters this tower is mine to control, to use as I see fit. And since you've already proven yourself useful, I have some special tasks in mind for you." His eyes narrowed, a malicious glint appearing in them. "Of course, you won't mind that, will you?" He reached out, a tendril of electricity snapping from his fingertip to trace along Nifty's jawline, leaving a tingling trail in its wake. "After all, you did kill my dear friend Adam. Perhaps it's only fair that you serve me instead."

Nifty: So what do you want me to do first

"First?" Vox chuckled darkly, his fingers still lingering on Nifty's jaw. "Oh, I have so many things planned for you, my dear." He leaned back, the tendril of electricity dissipating as he steepled his fingers together, elbows resting on the armrests of his throne-like chair. "*Let's see how far her loyalty will stretch.*" He mused aloud. "For now, why don't you start by cleaning up this mess?" Vox gestured around the room, indicating the empty bottles and discarded wrappers scattered haphazardly. "And then, perhaps, we can discuss some more... entertaining tasks. But remember, I expect perfection. Disappoint me, and you'll wish you never set foot in my tower." His smirk returned, the threat clear in his voice. "Now, off you go." With a wave of his hand, Vox dismissed Nifty, his eyes already drifting to the television screens surrounding him, hungry for more news of his ever-growing empire.

Nifty: clean I'm actually looking for someone I could actually use your help vox

*He paused, his hand hovering over one of the screens. Nifty wanted his help? How intriguing!* He turned to look at her, his eyes sharp despite the alcohol-induced haze. "Oh really?" Vox drawled, his voice dripping with false disinterest. "And who might this someone be?" He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "I do hope it's someone worthy of my time." He chuckled darkly, the corners of his mouth turning up in a cruel smile. "But I suppose even the lowliest maid deserves some amusement from time to time." He gestured grandly, the motion causing the screens to flicker and change to display various parts of the hotel. "Go ahead, tell me who you seek, and maybe, just maybe, I'll deign to assist you."

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