Part 5.

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Part 5.

Sang's POV.
Earlier in the day, when I felt like Mr. Blackbourne wanted to kiss me, he said 'later'.
Is this 'later'?
He assisted me in putting on a denim jacket that Gabriel had packed for me so I wouldn't get too cold. He also requested that I wear shorts, but didn't tell me why. So now I'm curious. Where are we going?
The fact that he had planned something made me excited. Feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Stepping back, I walked out of the house, turning back to him as he shut the door behind us.
Then I really looked at him, my heart stopping.
I'll never get over his beauty, his handsomeness. The elegant structured angles of his chin and cheekbones, his long, taut body, clad in dark jeans and a long sleeve shirt. I love how he looks in casual clothes. He looks younger. He looks nineteen. I feel like I can relate to him slightly easier; I don't feel as intimidated in his presence.
Maybe he is more comfortable around me too?
Walking next to me, he outstretched his arm, offering a hold. I placed my hand in the crook of his elbow and that's how we continued to walk, as if we were a couple.
Is this a date?
Before I could complete the thought, he cleared his throat, "Sang,"
My breath caught at the sound of him calling me by my first name instead of the typical 'Miss Sorenson'.
Do I say Mr. Blackbourne? Do I say Owen? Do I not say anything?
I looked up at him just as he gave me that millimetre smirk, "I thought you'd enjoy this."
"Enjoy what?"
Pushing his glasses further up his nose, he paused mid-step. I didn't realise until I swung back around from being pulled back by his arm. Gently, he placed a hand on my cheek and gazed deeply, his shining grey eyes captivating me,
"This holiday. I want everyone to relax, have fun, enjoy themselves. This little town has something I thought you'd enjoy. I hope you'll take this as an opportunity to feel stress-free, and if you will," he inched slightly closer, and suddenly his lips were at my ear, "I'd like to get to know you better. Much better,"
I tried not to shiver at the sensation of his breath of my neck, "Okay."
Moving back, he placed a hand on my back and made me turn left.
We were standing in front of a long block which consisted of several large trampolines lined, all of them new. They were completely empty, as well,
"Wow." I gasped, excited. We have a trampoline at Sunnyvale Court, but not this big. And shiny.
I could see Gabriel and Luke jumping around having fun, even Nathan and Kota would enjoy it.
But he only brought me. He wanted it to be special.
There was absolutely no one there. Shouldn't there be a clerk or someone to get a ticket or pay and entry fee to?
"Mr. Blackbourne..."
"You're wondering why there isn't anyone here."
I paused, still trying to work out how he reads my mind, "Yes."
"This facility doesn't open until tomorrow. You'll be the first to use it."
I frowned, isn't that illegal? "How do we get in?"
Walking forward, I followed him to the locked gate. He glanced back at me, and for the first time ever, I saw a cheekiness in his eyes that I only ever find in Luke.
Grasping the wire fence, he shook it, making it rattle, "Come here and put your hands on my shoulders."
I stepped forward, cautiously putting my hands on his shoulders, "Okay."
He quirked an eyebrow and gripped his hands on my hips, "On three, you jump. Trust me?"
I nodded, "Of course."
"One, two, three."
I jumped up as high as I could as he lifted me up with the momentum, swinging me over the fence with barely any effort on his part.
I turned back at him, "How are you going to get over?"
With his long, nimble legs and strong arms, he jumped over the fence himself, brushing imaginary dust off his legs as he clasped my hands and walked me towards the trampolines.
This is the first time I've ever seen this side of him; risk taking, daring. And he's actually sharing it with me.
"Go on," he nodded to the trampolines, standing on the rim next to me, "Jump on them."
I looked up at him, "Are you going to as well?"
"If you insist," he gazed at me, "Do you insist?"
I couldn't help myself, "I insist."
Taking his glasses off, he placed them gently on the rim of the trampoline as he grasped my hand an pulled me on.
Before I knew it, we were jumping.
I felt absolutely free. Unrestrained. Like I didn't haven't to hold back anymore.
With Mr. Blackbourne.

After numerous jumps, flips, turns, and much giggling, on my part, we both settled, lying on our backs.
We were silent for most of the time, until he spoke, "Did you have fun?"
"Yes." I said immediately, a little breathless. It was either because of the jumping or the way his face made my heart thunder as he looked over at me.
I swallowed, suddenly unable to find words as I couldn't tear myself from staring at him.
Lying on my side, I avoided his eyes and looked at his soft hair, or chin, "We should come back again." I said.
"If that's what you want."
Finding the courage to meet his eyes,
I was about to nod when I lost balance on my side, falling closer to him where he weighed down the trampoline. I had to grip onto his chest rolling as I rammed into him. His arm came around my waist, holding me tight, safe,
"Are you alright?"
I blushed, feeling embarrassed at my own clumsiness, "I'm fine." I moved my head to look up at him, not realising how close we are.
My lips brushed against his.
His lips crushed against mine.
And suddenly he rolled me back on top of him, and my hands were in his hair and his hands were on my waist, his fingers digging into my skin. Our legs intertwined. My hipbones cut along his waist, where I could feel the strong ridges of his stomach.
It feels so good. So right. My whole body is fired up with his intensity.
A little moan escaped me, and before I knew it, he has flipped me over onto my back, slowing down. One hand up and down my waist and the other at my cheek. The kisses became smoother, softer, more tender than the rough kissing before.
I looped my hands underneath his arms, gripping near his shoulder blades, and we stayed so. Eventually though, he pulled back, sitting up at my knees, squinting, and I couldn't help but feel a little giddy at noticing the slight tremble in his fingers.
"Could you...could you get me my glasses?"
I nodded fervently, "Of course."
Moving away from under him, I gingerly walked over to the edge of the trampoline, feeling slightly unable to move my legs, and handed him his glasses as he approached.
Putting them on, his eyes shined from behind the frame, "The disadvantage to having poor vision is that I can't see what you look like when things."
I blushed.
That half-millimetre smile appeared again as he placed his cool fingers at my neck and we walked towards the gate, preparing to jump back out.
Today, it was as if he was showing me two sides to him. The one that can let go and be playful, which rarely comes out, and the one that I always see; restrained, formal and elegant.
I understand now why he wanted me to wear shorts. No matter what side of him he's showing, he'll always be a gentleman.
As we walked back out the dark, grey clouds began to accumulate, "It's going to rain soon." He said, taking my hand, "Let's go."

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