Part 6.

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Part 6.

Sang's POV.
Mr. Blackbourne and I ended up running as the rain automatically started to pour as we made our way back home. By the time we made our way back inside we were drenched. Mr. Blackbourne's glasses had droplets and his shirt was clinging to his torso. When I looked down, my shirt and shorts were sticking to my skin as well.
Gabriel glanced up from the armchair, playing a sweet melody on the guitar, the cat nestling its head on his bare feet. Has he even moved from the chair all day?
He quirked his eyebrows, "Well, hello, hello." I approached him, kneeling next to Elvis, stroking behind his ear.
I looked up at Gabriel as he bit his lip, "Why are you all wet?" he asked.
I turned back to Mr. Blackbourne, unsure what to say. What do I tell him?
He merely shrugged as he took off his glasses, and to my ultimate surprise, stripped off his shirt as he walked down the hallway. I tried not to look but I couldn't help admiring his long, strong back as he disappeared down the hallway.
A slap on my head caused me to turn around to Gabriel who was smirking back down at me,
"You're such a fucking perv, Trouble!"
I sputtered, blushing that he caught me looking, "No, I'm not."
"Sure, sure. So where did he take you?"
I hesitated before answering, but I thought about it. When have I been given a reason to not trust Gabriel? As well as that, shouldn't I be honest with them?
I leaned as close as I could to him, but before I spoke, he placed the guitar on the floor beside him and held his arms out, so I sat in the big armchair with him, one of my arms around his neck, one of his hands on my knee. Our heads were level so all I could see was his expectant, sharp, blue eyes.
"Okay, he took me to this trampoline place-"
"Wait a minute, that's doesn't open until tomorrow!"
I blushed, "We snuck in."
His mouth dropped wide open, "You're shitting me."
I shook my head.
"No fucking way, he did something illegal?"
I nodded.
"What the hell? When I do something illegal I get told off, and when he does something illegal he gets...he gets-"
"What did you do that was illegal?"
Now it was his turn to blush and avoid my gaze, "Oh, you know, this and that."
I pinched his arm and poked my tongue out at him.
"Ow!" He exclaimed, rubbing his arm, "That hurt, and you stick that tongue back in before I kiss it."
I laughed, "How do you kiss a tongue?"
His gaze suddenly took on this sexy glance that made me shiver, his eyes half-closed, his chin tilted upward as he leaned closer, our nose tips touching, "Don't you remember?"
Before I knew it, his lips landed on mine and I couldn't help but kiss him back. I love kissing Gabriel. He's smooth, yet rough. He's confident, yet nervous at the same time.
His hands cupped my face, his long fingers pushing my hair away as his lips moved with mine. When his tongue made contact with mine, all breath escaped, my wet body melting against his warm, hard chest.
He suddenly pulled away, making me lean in, wanting more. I opened my eyes to see that trademark smirk of his, just his lips slightly more swollen.
I nodded fervently and stood up, "I remember now." I said.
He just nodded with raised eyebrows, smiling, satisfied.

Making my way to laundry so I could get a towel, I knocked, checking no one else was in there before walking in. There was no answer so I made my way in and closed the door behind me, locking it in case anyone interrupted. I had a spare change of clothes with me and towels. Somebody, I assumed Mr. Blackbourne, was already in the shower and the bedrooms didn't have locks.
I was about to take off my shirt, when a finger poked me at the back of my neck, accompanied with a familiar ginger scent.
Letting out a little squeal, I flipped around to see Dr. Green standing right there, just in jeans.
He quirked an eyebrow, "How dare you come in here and try to watch me get dressed!" He exclaimed, folding his arms across chest.
My mouth dropped open, "How dare you not tell me you were in here when I knocked!" I countered.
He tilted his head, his curls falling over his eyes, "Touché."
I shook my head and grabbed a towel, covering my hot cheeks.
"Aw, Sang, Pookie, don't hide from me, okay, I'm sorry."
I peeled over the towel.
He pulled a purple long sleeve shirt over his bare shoulders and held his arms out, "See? I'm not doing anything! And I'll leave you alone. Okay? Alright."
With that he turned towards the door, and walked out giggling.
Sighing, I ensured the door was locked and waited a minute before actually changing this time.

Kota's POV.
I took a quick trip to the supermarket with Luke and Nathan to stock up on what we need. You forget how much toilet paper ten people use in one house.
I let Luke and Nathan talk most of the time while I stayed back, deep in thought.
Although, it wasn't really thought, it was more trying to work out my emotions.
I know I love Sang. That's a given. Unconditional. Something I can't help.
But it's still hard to wrap my head around the whole 'sharing' thing.
I'm accepting it. I'm allowing it to happen. And I understand. It's just...hard. I need to get used to it.
But apparently, according to Luke, the whole contemplation of my emotions thing is making me moody. He keeps saying that I'm being 'grumpy.'
Which I'm not. I just don't particularly feel like talking.
While Nathan took Luke back to the car with the trolleys, I stayed at the counter to pay.
Finished, I was checking the price in the receipt when I heard the spilling of coins all over the ground. I turned around to see a shocked elderly woman, frowning,
"Oh, dear." She muttered.
I bent down and started collected the coins for her, "It's alright, ma'am, I'll do it."
"Oh, thank you. It's a bit hard when you can't see."
That's when I realised she was a blind woman. My sympathy reached out for her immediately.
All the coins in my hands, I put them back in her purse, clasped it, and handed it back, " you need anymore help?" I asked.
She smiled and reached forward, finding my cheek and giving it a good tap, "Bless you, child, I'll be fine. Go on then, be a boy and have fun. Kiss girls and all. Go on."
Hesitantly, I eventually left, feeling much better than before. Helping people is why one of the many reasons why I love the Academy. Why I love my team. My family.
Smiling, I made my way back to the car.
Luke looked up at me, leaning against the car, clutching a bag of Oreos, "Hey, Nathan won't let me have an Oreo. Kota, can I please have one? Please?"
Nathan rolled his eyes and held the boot with his hands, shutting it, "You eat to much sugary shit as it is."
"Have you been talking to North or something? Because he's wrong, don't listen to him," Luke turned back to me, "Please? He'll let me have one if you say yes."
I shrugged but smiled, "As long as you save one for me."

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