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This was requested by someone i forgot the user so sorry :( anyways i hope it's good enoguh lol:) (some "mention" of VUzi) (Little bit of "touching") Sorry not sorry

It was a regular day, Thad at the space pod with N,V and Uzi really only N and Uzi because V was/is not the most talkitive type of drone out there.

After awhile Uzi and V had left to go somewhere or to do something together somewhere else leaving Thad and N alone in the pod to do really whatever they wanted to.

So N and Thad went to Ns room which was a pretty basic room just with a lot of dog pictures all around and what not. They ended up sitting on Ns bed talking to eachother, N talking about dogs and Thad talking about sports and such things.

After awhile of talking they somehow managed to end up onto the subject of "crushes" because of lack of things to talk about that they wanted to talk about so they went to THAT subject.

"You know i actually like a guy instead of a girl" Thad randomly mentioned to N.

"Really? Funny me to actually" N said.

"Oh really who do you like out of curiosity?" Thad had asked N.

"O-Oh..uhm. Well who do you like?" N asked Thad clearly avoiding the answer of who he liked.

Thad didn't answer so for a good few seconds they sat there in an awkward silence before N spoke up again.

"How about we both just say at the same time?" N suggested.

"Yeah good idea" Thad agreed to the idea N had suggested.

"3...2..1 You!" They both said at the same time as eachother

After they both confesed they liked eachother they were a bit shocked for a minute before they both started laughing at the "situation"

"Sooo does this now mean we're boyfriends?" N asked Thad after he took a minute to stop laughing as much.

"Absolutly" Thad said, almost instantly

They both went quiet again for a few minutes before they began to start flirting with eachother. Calling eachother "flirty" names and such.

EVENTUALLY they started "touching eachother. Thad "grabbing" Ns thighs and N "touching" Thads. They were ABOUT to do more until they heard something from outside.


It was VERY clear that the girls were now back. So they almost instantly got off of eachother and moved away from eachother a bit after hearing Uzis classic "Bite me!"

This was so difficult to make because of how cringy it is holy crap lol i made this is class while zoned out so it makes much more sense-
(454 words) -Li

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