"Girls Time"

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Thank you bananalover_12345 for the idea!(SpIcY)


N had left the pod to go hang out with Uzi at her place.

It seems the two of them have seemed to be getting closer together than usual.

And because N was gone it left just V and J together to do whatever they wanted to~.

"Hey V" J said wanting to get Vs attention as she was bored and had nothing to do besides really hang out with V at the moment.

"Hm? What's up?" V responded with curiosity on what J wanted since they really haven't talked much since the whole situation with meeting Uzi and all that jazz.

"You wanna do something?" J asked wanting to just do something...anything really.

"Like what? There isn't much to do" V said, curious about what J had in mind.

"Hmm maybe..." J stopped in her tracks as she realized what she was going to say before blush started to appear on J's visor.

"What?" V said wondering what J had in mind before stopping herself.

"N-Nothing J said trying to change the subject.

"No no tell me i wanna know now" V said really wanting to know.

J was silent till she finally spoke up "...Well i was thinking maybe we could...have some...f-fun..." J said hesitantly.

V knew exactly what she was talking about and blush also started to form on her visor.

"W-Well...I wouldn't mind" V whispered the last part as she was embarrassed but J heard it either way.

"Wait really!" J said, seeming excited.

"Yes..." V responded quietly.

J then began to walk towards V and when she got to her she gently raised her chin with her thumb and index finger and kissed her on the lips V was hesitant at first but then kissed back.

"Lets go to my room shall we~" J said in a teasing tone.

"...Fine" V responded with.

Once they got to J's room J locked the door then pinned V to the wall and started kissing her again but this time with her tongue.

V seemed to enjoy it quite a bit honestly.

"You wanna take this further?~" J asked V.

"...Yes..." V responded hesitantly but did want to have some fun.

J pinned V to the bed and continued to make out with her but this time she started to move her hand down Vs body before reaching to her lower half and stopping.

"May I?" J asked for consent.

"You may" as J continued to start rubbing on her pussy.

V let out small little moans and whimpers of pleasure as J didnt stop.

J then scooted back and laid down and started to lick V.

V covered her mouth as J did so, not wanting to be too loud.

"Don't cover those beautiful moans darling~" J said in a mocking tone as she wanted to hear Vs noises as they felt nice to hear to her so then V then just grabbed onto the bed sheets so she wouldn't cover her mouth out of reflex for J.

J continued licking and started to speed up a little bit causing V to moan louder and more often and sometimes just whimpering but J did not care as long as she got to hear those pretty noises of pleasure it didn't matter.

J continued at it for awhile until V spoke "J- I-Im gonna-" J knew exactly what V was going to say but she didn't care one bit so about 10 seconds later V ended up squirting all over Js face but J just ate it all up it tasted sweet but also salty.

After a little they had cleaned up and got changed then layed in bed and cuddled.


Sorry if this story is a bit shitty i had a lot of fun making this and i hope it fed you guys lol sorry for it being a bit late i had to take a shower also i won't mind making more stories like this (659 words)-WHAT THE FUCK WAS WRONG WITH YOU


It is edited poor choice of words me-

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