Chapter 5 - Part 1 : Secrets Among Women

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Keaia looked at Leanna with nervousness as they sat in the carriage, fiddling her thumbs and twirling her hair. Leanna looked her straight on and cleared her throat, which brought Keaia and Delaney to full attention. Leanna explained the situation, going from the time she was engaged to the present moment. Keaia's eyes widened, and her hands started to tremble a little. Leanna had to take a few deep breaths when speaking about Charles' more cruel moments, and as she spoke the anger in her voice started to solidify even more, prompting Delaney to lay her hand on her arm. At the end, Keaia's face was pale, and her mind raced with all the lies she had been fed the past year. The part that most shocked her was reinforced by a letter from Morris, wherein it explained an event where Morris overheard His Grace discussing Keaia and Leanna with a good friend of his. The letter detailed how HIs Grace never intended to marry Keaia, only to impregnate her due to her resemblance to Leanna; Charles wanted to keep the annoying noble ladies away and wanted his freedom, so he agreed to marry Leanna, someone he could manipulate. Charles was a high-ranking noble, and as such generally abhorred most commoners, especially having to rub elbows or touch them. He also was disgusted by the idea of sleeping with his wife. He wanted an heir so he could rest easy, and found a naive woman who resembled his wife and went from there. Keaia was beautiful and had the optimal personality. After reading the letter, Keaia felt sick to her stomach, betrayed by the man she thought loved her. The conversation had been witnessed by another maid, and so Keaia knew it was not just a trick. Leanna provided other proof of Charles's misdeeds. She looked at Leanna with hurt yet grateful eyes, and accepted the handkerchief she held out. Keaia hadn't realized she was crying until that moment. Leanna spoke to her with a soft voice "I understand this is hard for you to bear, and I know you may want to leave now, but I ask you to hear me out to the end." Keaia nodded, and tried to hand back the handkerchief, only for Leanna to kindly shake her head. Keaia clutched the handkerchief, and listened eagerly. Delaney then spoke up "Her Ladyship wants to take Duke Sihnegh down, and we need your help. Duchess Leanna can promise your safety and happiness if you cooperate. We wrote out a contract in advance, waiting for a moment like this." Delaney stopped speaking as Leanna nodded at her and then spoke "I did not wish for the events of today, and whether or not you cooperate, I will make sure todays events will not be on your record. I do not want your life to be miserable. This contract is magically binding, and has a spell that will ensure the protection of your life. Morris prepared it." Keaia felt a wave of relief wash over her as Leanna spoke, and nodded. Delaney took out a small wooden board with the contract on it and handed it and a pen to Keaia. She read over the contents:

Contract of Alliance Between Duchess Leanna of Sihnegh and Keaia of Ruepel

This magically binding contract will bind the two signors until the set upon goal is achieved. The contract is as follows: until Duchess Leanna of Sihnegh has successfully divorced and dragged down and replaced Duke Charles of Sihnegh. The two bearers of this contract are bound by several rules stated below, and by a protection spell signed by blood.

1. Neither of the two contract bearers can cause purposeful harm not previously agreed upon by both parties.

2. Both parties must work toward the common goal, and any attempt to destroy the contract will result in damage done to them.

3.  Contract bearers who give an additional blood signature have a protection spell cast on them.

4. There will be a reward of 200 gold to the secondary contract bearer, Keaia of Ruepel, for completion of the contract.

5. If Correy Sihnegh is found by the contractee before the contractor, then an additional 100 gold will be reported, this does not affect the rest of the clauses.

6. The contractor and contractee will correspond regarding the goal at least once weekly, or if unable once biweekly.

7. The contractee must report to the contractor any necessary information regarding the main target. Any major information regarding the main target not reported will result in either a reprimand or gold subtracted from the end reward.

8. Should any clause be violated, the contract will be null and void, no reward will be given, and the protection spell will dissipate. Any clause excluding the bonus clause not honored or completed will result in either a punishment or voiding of the clause, depending on circumstance.

9. The neutral party will ensure that the rules are held for both parties, and keep the safety of the contract.

If you can agree to the terms of this contract, then please sign below, and if you would life, include a blood signature. 

_____________ Contractor             _____________ Contractee        _____________ Neutral Party

After reading through the contents of the contract, she signed her name, and reached for a hairpin to prick her finger. Delaney handed her a clean sewing needle, and Keaia imprinted a blood signature with her thumb on the contract. The contract and Keaia glowed for a few moments. Leanna then signed and did the blood signature, and the contract glowed again. Delaney repeated the process, and encased the contract in a case. With that, Leanna explained the next steps Keaia needed to take. Keaia was to go back to the jail and play the pity card, and when Charles came to rescue her, place the blame on Leanna. She would pretend that her conversation with Leanna never occurred and continue as before. Keaia stepped out, and Leanna led her back to the jailhouse and handed her to the jailkeeper. Leanna went back to her carriage, and she and Delaney headed back to the Ducal mansion. The plan had been put into place, and Leanna thought to her next move, which would be to contact her family. The carriage rolled along to the setting sun, and a brewing storm slowly blew in. Keaia sat in the prison cell, heartbroken yet determined to change her fate.

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