Chapter 6 - Part 1 : Bittersweet Tears

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Edmond Gresser turned his head when the mansion's doors were flung open, and Charles Sihnegh came flying through, dragging some poor girl by the wrist. His face was beet red with a purplish tinge, and the veins on his head bulged. Edmond furrowed his brows, and what Leanna had said in her letter and now made even more sense. He felt disgusted his precious sister had to deal with this...this thing. Edmond thought back to the letter he and his wife Charlene had received from Leanna, and back to the events that happened five years ago that lead to the current state of affairs. Leanna had sent an impassioned letter detailing the treatment she had received the past four years, an apology for distancing herself due to pride and embarrassment, and a heartfelt plea to forgive and reunite. Edmond had read the letter with tears streaming down his face, and after he handed the letter to Charlene, she also started crying. Leanna had asked Edmond and Charlene if they could visit the ducal mansion for a week, and within an hour, they were packed and ready to go. Two days later they arrived at the ducal mansion. Edmond and Charlene had always seen Leanna as their beloved younger sister, and went to any length they could, that Leanna allowed, to protect her. Before Leanna left for her marriage Edmond had had a lengthy discussion with her, and the consensus he reached was that Leanna wanted some breathing room. Edmond and Charlene gave her that space, and tried to not be too overbearing. Now, knowing the abuse and mistreatment she went through, Edmond was ready to run a sword through Charles. The three had hugged and cried bittersweet tears at their long awaited reunion, and after two hours of talking, the commotion began. He and Charlene did their best to stifle their anger, and both rose as Charles stormed into the main sitting room. With a strained voice, Edmond bowed and greeted Charles "Good afternoon, Duke Charles Sihnegh, I am Marquis Edmond Gresser, and this is my wife, Marquise Charlene Lylac Gresser." Charlene curtseyed with Edmond, and Charles grunted rudely at them. Edmond's eyebrow twitched slightly, but he continued his forced smile with squinted eyes and responded. "At my darling sister's behest, my wife and I will be staying in this mansion for the next week. Leanna told me how excited you were to have guests over, and my wife was so excited she sent a letter to her aunt, King Andimions's younger sister." Edmond struggled to keep the sarcasm dripping in voice to a minimum, and Charles looked ready to punch Edmond. With a voice that sounded very close to exploding, he spit back "My wife is so lucky to have such a loving brother. I'm so glad to have my brother in law stay in my mansion. Please make yourself at home, brother. If you'll excuse me, I have better things to attend to." He turned and left with a huff, dragging Keaia along. All she could do was give one small, sad glance back before disappearing. Edmond huffed after Charles was out of sight, and turned to Leanna with a worried yet relieved expression on his face. He hugged her tightly. "My dear baby sister, I don't know how you dealt with that pig for so long. Now that Charlene and I are here, we'll protect you." Leanna buried her face in his chest, and Charlene joined in the group hug. "Don't worry Leanna, we're here for you." Leanna felt the warmth of her family deep in her heart, and when she pulled away from the hug, there was a big smile on her face and a little more light had returned to her eyes. After the second emotional group hug, the three sat down again, and Leanna explained her plans going forward. Delaney had been just outside the room to give the family privacy, but stepped in on Leanna's cue. Just as Leanna was about to start, a figure appeared from the corner of the room, as though from thin air. The shadowy figure had an elderly gentleman with them who stepped forward from the shadow bubble, revealing what looked to be a mage. In a clear and aged voice, he spoke "My name is Thaddeus Green, and I am a mage from Cohbyn. I was originally hired to produce the magic contracts, but I am interested in entering into your services as your personal mage." Thaddeus bowed, and Leanna smiled and examined the mage. After considering for a few moments, she replied "I accept your offer, Thaddeus Green. I will happily sign an employment contract with you, but I first ask you to cast a spell for me. I need to speak to my family about some matters I do not need my husband to hear." Thaddeus nodded and replied "I will cast a spell that masks what you have to say." He raised his hands and spoke some ancient language, and a thin shimmery barrier appeared, cloaking Leanna, Delaney, Charlene and Edmond. The mage stepped back and stayed near the edge of the room with the shadow. Leanna then started the first war meeting. Leanna explained the events of the past week, including Delaney, the temper tantrum, Keaia, and the servants. Edmond and Charlene were none too pleased, but out of respect for Leanna kept their composure. Leanna then had Delaney present the contract, and Edmond seemed to relax a little. Edmond and Charlene were pleased with the plan, and promised to assist in the search for Correy. While Edmond and Charlene were at first hesitant about Keaia, once Leanna explained the whole situation, the couple shook their heads and felt pity for Keaia. She had been caught in the crossfire of Charles's cruelty and malice. Leanna intended to have her brother and Charlene stay at the ducal mansion for a week to ensure Charles calmed down, and to reconnect with her family. She was very happy that she was no longer alone, yet she felt sadness when she thought about all the time lost. She motioned to the mage, who took down the barrier, and Edmond drafted a contract with the mage. Leanna and Thaddeus signed, with her brother as the neutral party, and after the signing was complete, he disappeared with the shadowy figure. Leanna later learned from Morris it was one of his lackeys. The three continued to chat about happy times from the past, and Delaney had left and returned with refreshments. When it was time to retire, the head maid came and showed Edmond and Charlene their room. Leanna and Delaney went back to her room to get ready for dinner, and she did so with confidence and a relaxed gait. No longer would she have to walk on eggshells with the staff, and she was reunited with her family. It seemed like fate was finally done handing her losing hands in this card game of life.

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