Chapter Five: Thanks For The Ride.

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I received a text from Naruto that he was outside and my heart sank. There's no fucking way that I'm about to do this right now. I thought to myself as I threw on a hoodie. I already had some pajama pants on and slipped into some slides I had lying around. I grabbed my keys and wallet and stuffed them into my pants pockets. I then took a deep breath, and headed for my door, opening it slowly and quietly as it was approaching eleven o'clock at this point.

I carefully closed the door behind me and tiptoed down the hallway, trying my best to not notify Itachi that I was even out of my room. I made it to the stairs and made sure to silently step down each one till I reached the bottom. When I was down the stairs, I quietly yet hurriedly made my way to the front door. I opened the front door, the house alarm making a small ding when I did so. I paused for a few seconds for any movement, and when the coast was clear I stepped outside and closed the door behind me.

I saw Naruto's car and quickly hurried down the driveway to his car. I made it to his car, opened the door, and hopped in.

I let out a deep breath as I was starting to shake with nerves. Holy shit I fucking did it. I snuck out. I suck out? I snuck out! Ah!! I'm feeling a rush of adrenaline, my heart is pumping, and my body can't stop shaking. Fuck if I'm found out-.

"Sasuke? Helloooo?" Naruto said, pulling me out of my racing thoughts. "You actually fuckin' did it. I'm proud of you," he said, playfully punching me in the shoulder.

[I can't believe I actually did it either.] I signed with shaky hands, taking in another deep breath.

"Don't stress. We'll only be like an hour. I snuck out too. If my old man finds out you'll see me on the news. Six foot blond kid brutally murdered by his father." He said in an announcer voice, making me laugh. "God I love your cute little laugh," he said with a small smile.

[You call me cute a lot.] I pointed out and he nodded.

"I sure do cutie," he said and the pet name made me a little flustered. This is probably just him messing with me again. I ignore him and look out towards the road.

[So are we going to go?] I asked him and he nodded.

"Yeah let's go," he said and put the car in drive.

I don't know what possessed me to do this but I have a feeling I'm not going to regret it.


We made it back to the small town area we were in earlier today. It was virtually empty since I don't think anyone is really clubbing on a monday. He parked the car in one of the plethora of vacant parking spots and we then got out of the car together. I followed him inside the convenience store and we were greeted by the sales clerk. I gave him a small wave as Naruto straight up ignored him and I felt bad. We went to the back of the store and grabbed our fro-yo cups. I grabbed a small and Naruto got a medium.

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