Chapter Eight: Getting To Know Each Other.

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We made it to his apartment and I'll be honest it doesn't seem like we're in the nicest neighborhood. The streets were bumpy, the fences were made out of metal rather than nice wood, and the yards seemed a little unkempt. There were people sitting on the curbs in front of their homes and talking to each other. I also noticed people walking back home with their groceries in hand.

The atmosphere felt a little gloomy but Naruto seemed unfazed. Hell he probably grew up here so it can't be that bad. We got to this apartment complex and it was a place. We parked under this metal roof that had multiple cars under it.

"Alrighty," he said as he unbuckled his seatbelt. "Let me give you a tour," he said as he turned off the car and got out. I followed his lead and got out of the car as well.

"There's a pool down that way," he said pointing to it. "And a gym that I sometimes go to over that way too. The amenities could use some touch ups but hey I'm glad that we have some now. This is a new place, the place I used to live I wouldn't take you to in a million years haha." He said as I followed him up this set of stairs and down a hallway. We got to a door and he fumbled with his keys till he got the right one and unlocked the door in front of him.

"Kay' come here," he told me with the quick motion of his hand. I walked in and the place was... Well honestly... It's a tad dirty. My mom would kill me if I had old dishes on the dining room table. The first thing you see is that and a little down is the kitchen. It was semi-open, with a small little bar with some barstools and right in front of the bar was a couch, coffee table, then TV, making up the small living room.

This place was tiny but Naruto only mentioned his Father so if it's just them two this amount of space is fine. As I walked in and I noticed a bookshelf filled with books and pictures I didn't take time to look at as I followed Naruto to this tiny hallway that housed one door. We went inside and it appeared to be his room.

"Look," he said, pausing and turning to me before walking fully into his room. "It's a bit of a mess in here," he explained, sorry written all over his face but I simply shrugged. "Okay," he said before walking into his room. I walked in after him and-.

Oh my god.

I'm speechless.

It's a mess in here and really small too. He has a dresser to the left of the door with the drawers opened and stacks of dishes and clothes all over the dresser and floor. I carefully walk into his room trying to find safe spots to walk on. I feel like I'm playing the floor is lava with all the clothes and trash scattered across the floor. I'm shocked the room doesn't have a smell. I mean that in a nice way but I'm just saying it's a mess.

He has a small full sized bed in the corner that is definitely too small for him because it looks too small for me. As we made our way to sit on his bed I shrugged my backpack off and placed it in the same area that Naruto tossed his. I sat down on his bed and scoped out his room. Starting with his bed it was a dark blue, with four regular sized pillows on it, and he had two plushies resting on top which I thought was cute. Then right next to his bed was the tall dark brown dresser that housed a plethora of dishes and nicknacks with the drawers all open exposing the clothes filling the drawers.

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