Runner's Gorge

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Featured music:
To Die For from Lion King


Omega and her friends continued to follow the Yellow Brick Road toward the next spot on the map that the music-corns gave them.

Runner's Gorge, right beneath the Ipsidon Buck Grazing Fields. Ipsidon Buck were scared easily, so it was essential not to alarm them, or else risk them stampeding through the gorge.

"According to this map," said Tech-Crow. "We simply walk straight ahead through this gorge, and we will continue to be on the quickest route to the Emerald City."

Except, as Omega and her friends got into the gorge, they quickly saw that the yellow brick road stopped as they entered. Padma said they had to stay on the yellow brick road to make it to the wizard.

"Not to worry," said Tech-Crow. "The road will start again when we reach the other side."

"That better be soon," said Tin Crosshair. "All this dust is driving my joints nuts!"

Wrecker looked nervous as they walked into the gorge.

"This place is really big! What if we get lost in here and can't find our way out?"

"We won't if we just stick together," said Diamond. "Besides, I can get a bird's eye view."

Diamond flapped her little wings and started to fly up high and searched every direction until she spotted the yellow brick road on the far end of the gorge.

"I see it, everyone! It's straight ahead north and-"

Diamond was cut off, and everyone suddenly saw something big swoop in, the sound of Diamond's whinny echoing as whatever it was disappeared with her.

"DIAMOND!" everyone shouted, and the noise echoed through the walls of the gorge.

Suddenly, Omega felt the ground shaking beneath her feet. She and her friends looked down to see a bunch of pebbles shaking too, and they heard the sound of hoof beats, a lot of hoof beats! The sound got louder and louder as the group looked behind them and saw a huge herd of Ipsidon Buck heading right for them! Everyone froze in fear for a moment until Tech-Crow shouted, "RUN!"

The group immediately began running. Wrecker picking up Omega in his strong arms and running for his life with the others, trying to get to the other side, but more and more bucks kept coming and coming, causing the group to get separated and scattered across the stampede.

"Get to higher ground!" Tech-Crow shouted as he tripped.

"Tech!" Omega exclaimed.

"Get the kid out!" Crosshair shouted as he started to disappear into the stampede too.


"I gotcha, princess!" Wrecker said, running faster and jumping as high as he could to safely place Omega on a stable ledge, only for his tail to get caught, pulling him back in!


Omega looked desperately around for her friends, but couldn't see them among the many stampeding bucks running and making more dirt and dust fly through the air all around the gorge. She screamed for them, but got no response, so she tried climbing up higher to get a better view and find a way to help her friends, but then she was grabbed by something she didn't see, and was carried away.

Omega screamed and cried for help as she quickly found that the creature that grabbed her was a flying red and black monkey. She tried to use her powers to make him let go, but two more monkeys of black and white held her hands and carried her far away from the gorge.


Wrecker grunted in pain and frustration as he hit the ground and was constantly trying to dodge the Ipsidon Bucks' feet. Key word: trying. He looked around and saw his other two friends were stuck in different places. Crosshair was getting dented and beat as he used his axe to scare away the creatures, but Tech-Crow was having more trouble. Despite not feeling pain as much as the others, it didn't mean he didn't find being trampled by the bucks any less unpleasant.

There was too many of these things to try and push through them, so Wrecker did the only thing a lion could do. ROAR!

Wrecker roared as loud as he could, scaring the buck out of his way, and he kept roaring more and more as he made his way to the others so he could throw them up to higher ground.

"Happy landings!" Wrecker shouted, throwing Crosshair to the ledge, and then picking up Tech-Crow.

"No, no! Wrecker, don't-!" Tech-Crow panicked, but too late.

And just as Crosshair was picking himself up... Tech-Crow flew right into him, knocking them both onto the ground.

"If I had a heart now, I might feel bad about this." Crosshair said, beginning to pick himself and help Tech-Crow up.

"Incoming!" shouted another voice.

And then Wrecker crashed right into Tech-Crow and Crosshair and knocked them down again.

"Sorry!" Wrecker looked around and saw someone missing. "Uh... where's Omega?"

"You lost her?!" Crosshair said angrily.

"She was right here a minute ago. She musta moved!"

The trio called for Omega and for Diamond, but got no response... until Wrecker's sensitive ears caught the sound of a young girl screaming in the distance, and he could smell... monkey and bat?

"I smell flying monkeys!" Wrecker exclaimed frightfully.

"The wicked warlock!" Crosshair concluded. "He's got Omega and probably Diamond too!"

"We must rescue them immediately!" Tech-Crow said.

"But how? The warlock's castle is in a dark, spooky forest scarier than the one I was in!" Wrecker panicked. "And it's all the way over there!"

Wrecker was right. The castle was a long way to go, especially on foot. And with how big the gorge was, along with the long paths, it could take days to reach the girls; days they may not have. Luckily, Tech-Crow remembered another gift the music-corns had given them.

"Everyone, ring your bells. Call forth some horses to aid us in our quest to rescue the princess."

So Wrecker, Crosshair, and Tech-Crow each took out the silver bells they were gifted and rang them together to summon forth their valiant steeds to help rescue Omega. They only prayed they would make it in time.

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