16. The turning point. Part II

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Look at him." Jenna beamed as we watched Jeremy integrate with normal people while admiring some of the paintings that were on the wall. "He's almost like his old self again." She linked her arm through mine and we started walking together, pretending like we were looking at the art. "I have to admit, you being back has really helped. He'd never admit it, but he really missed you when you went away."

"I missed you guys too." I said. "Do you think they have alcohol here?" I looked around.

"Yeah, for grownups like me." Jenna replied as she nudged my shoulder. "So I see Tyler is here."

"We're friends, I think, I hope, but that's all." I told her.

"Ok so you're really not going to tell me where you were the other night?" Jenna said.

"I can answer that."

I recognised the voice instantly.

"Oh no." I turned around to see Damon with the most charming smile. He was so attractive that even Jenna looked taken back. Where was he going with this?

"I took Amelia out for a date." Damon said, looking at me. I began cursing him under my breath, so low that only he could hear; this just caused his smirk to stretch.

"I knew there was a guy!" Jenna blurted out.

"Damon Salvatore." Damon said, putting out his hand.

"Salvatore?" Jenna repeated as she shook his hand. "Any relation to Stefan?"

"He's my brother." Damon replied and Jenna's head whipped towards me. I was never going to hear the end of this. This was the biggest plot twist for her.

"Well Mia is great." Jenna said, turning back to Damon. "She's funny, loyal-"

"Jenna-" I tried to stop her from embarrassing me further.

"And obviously very pretty." She continued, waving a hand over my face. I could have killed her.

"You don't need to sell her to me, I think Amelia is incredible." Damon said, toying with me. "I have to go find my brother, but I'll call you later, Mia." He drawled, leaning forward and kissing my cheek. "Funny, loyal, pretty-" He echoed teasingly in my ear.

"It's taking everything I have not to punch you right now." I whispered as he pulled away.

"It was nice meeting you, Jenna." Damon said, sending a wink my way and heading off in the crowd.

3, 2, 1. Jenna squealed.

"You are such an embarrassment." I said, pushing her.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Jenna said, grabbing onto my arm.

"Because it's not a big deal." I replied, trying to push her clinging hands from me. "Just don't say anything to anyone, ok?"

"I don't know why you're hiding him, he's gorgeous!"

"Hi, Mia, Jenna." Tyler greeted as he passed us.

"The plot thickens!" Jenna's gripped tightened on me.

"Grandma would be less embarrassing than you." I said, shaking my head. "Let's just enjoy the evening guy-free."

"That's going to be a little hard." Jenna said, turning to face me. "Hide me. The scum Fell has landed."

"Please tell me you're kidding." I vigorously began looking around. She wasn't kidding.

"Hello ladies." Logan said, coming over to us with a drink in his hand. "Fancy seeing you here."

"Attention all Salvatore brothers, we have a code 210 on hands." I said lowly, under my breath.

"Can we go somewhere and talk?" Logan asked Jenna. "Alone."

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