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"So you were right about things being planned from the beginning huh?" Hyunjin mused. The both of you had hidden yourself away in an unused classroom with Lia and Jeongin, and you had filled them in with everything Hwan had told you.

"I guess so..." you mused.

"I think he might be getting blackmailed," Jeongin sounded off. "I mean, think about it. If he didn't want to work for your other uncle, he could've just left him. There must be something else preventing him from leaving. You said his family lives here too, right? What if Jeong-dae is holding his family hostage, or something like that?"

Hyunjin gaped at Jeongin, as though wondering how he suddenly started to talk logically. "That's actually really smart, Jeongin. And it would make sense too, given how Hwan rarely seems to go back home," he added.

"I think we should pay them a visit," you suggested. "At least we'll have a better idea of what's going on." Lia nodded in agreement.

"But you're going off for your tour soon. How are you going to manage things now?" she asked.

"Don't worry, I have a plan," you assured her. And you were very sure it would work. As long as the boys at home didn't try to meddle again, that is.


"HYUNGGGGGGGG!" the boy screeched as he barged into the house and skidded to a halt in front of his senior in the living room.

"Y/N... Y/N's going to see Hwan's wife," Soobin panted, bent over on his knees as he caught his breath. Jungkook stood up abruptly, not expecting the news right when they were about to start tour.

"WHAT?!" he shrieked so loudly Jin came dashing into the room and staring around.

"Where's the intruder?!" he asked, waving his spatula around like a sword.

"....There's no intruder, hyung. It's just Soobin," Jungkook pointed out calmly. Under no circumstance should Jin, or any of the others for thaat matter, find out out about this. They would go berserk. Jin dropped his hands to his sides, turned around, and walked back into the kitchen without another word. The second he was out of Jin's sights, Jungkook hurried Soobin out of the house. He quickly pulled on his face mask and hailed a cab, nearly shoving Soobin's head through the window in his hurry to get in, and handed the driver a fat wad of cash.

"Seongnam, please."


"Thank you for the coffee," you thanked the lady before you, carefully cradling the warm mug in your hands.

"No problem. It's a good thing you came now while the kids are still at school. It's usually a madhouse in here once they're back," she chuckled merrily, pushing her long blonde hair over her shoulder, the both of you conversing comfortably in English. You breathed out a laugh and took a sip of the drink, holding back a grimace. It tasted rather weird, but you didn't want to upset the woman in front of you before you could get any answers.

"How long have you guys been back here?" you asked, your tone flat and disinterested.

"It's been a couple of years. We came just before our eldest started First Grade," Hwan's wife, Mindy replied. Your gaze fell on the many framed photos hanging on the walls.

"How old are they again?" you asked.

"They're eleven and eight. And of course, another one coming soon," she replied with a soft smile, placing a hand on her overgrown belly. You nodded and took another sip, trying your best not to gag. You had to find a way to pour it away somehow. "How are you doing? It's been so long since we've seen you, it's hard to believe you're all grown up so fast." You chuckled awkwardly.

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