Introduction (My Pov)

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(WARRING! Chaos be upon these parts)

"Union Academy. One of, if not, the most notorious and infamous academies across the whole multiverse. Lots, and I mean, lots of shit has happened at this "Academy". I'm not going to bother listing them all because I don't want to destroy everything. Oh, where are my manners? Silly me."

Ahem "Greetings my friends

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Ahem "Greetings my friends. My name is Denton, and I'm just your normal multiverse traveler passing by, a Wanderer in this case, remember that. But back to, it."

I sigh before grasping the sides of my temples, giving them a rub. "I swear it takes a lot of willpower, just to not get in one of those infuriating places and turn everything there into light via Goldymarg! I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks like that! But why am I talking about the most heinous place in the multiverse?"

I chuckled to myself as I fixed my trench coat. "Well my friends, I think I might be the only one who just hit a breakthrough in all of the multiverse! I think I might've found, an actual GOOD Union Academy! Can't you believe it!? And you know what, I think I'll stay here. While I do love going from Multiverse to Multiverse, it's tiring. And here, I'll hand a notebook and pen for you to write it all down. But I just need to, find them."

Casually pulling out a duffle bag out of thin air I began ruffling through it.

"Let's see;

Desire Driver, no

Rising Freedom Gundam Model Kit, no

My Metalgarurumon Deck, no

Omnitrix, no

Master Sword, no

My PS4 Pro, no

Izuku in the bag- wait wah?"

Izuku: "How did I get here?"

Grabbing a pair of scissors I just cut the fabric of space and time to the MHA verse before placing Izuku back into the verse (but not without giving him head pats) before sowing the fabric back up.

"Come on I know I have them somewhere, ah! Here they are, and here you go!"

I handed you, the readers the notebook and pen before I threw the bag off screen, with it exploding.

"Like I said, write down anything you find interesting that this Union Academy does then others. We good? Good. Now then, I'll see you friends down there soon enough. Bye!"

I say before completely vanishing from thin air.

(A/N:Hello everyone. Yes, you're not seeing things, I'm doing a Union Academy Story. Now why would I subject myself to this infamous section of fanfiction? Because I'm doing something different! And that's it. So yeah. Also I'll be having someone special in this story as well, I won't say who when he gets his introduction done. So yeah, see ya!)

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