🏚️Discoveries Within The Secrets: A-60 x Reader (Part 1) (Mystery)🏚️

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A-60 is Female
Reader is Male
Semi-Requested by SoftSilkCloud (Initially Curious Light x A-90)

The Doors Hotel was a place that was mysterious ever since it's foundation back in the 60's, and that was a fact.

But after its closure in the early 2000's, more legends concerning the building begun to spread.

It was concerning everyone that lived near it, and Y/N was no different. At least he had the guts to step close to the building to see if there was some sort of ghost or something roaming inside it.

Something interesting about the building, are the lights, that are always powered on, and that felt odd. It should've ran out of it already, but the hotel simply said 'nu uh' to reality an is now a placeholder for non-essential lighting.

It begun to flip off some of the most unhappy people, and it was getting on Y/N's nerves already. He couldn't withstand the yapping anymore, and since he was seen as a rebel (for some reason), he was assigned to go to the hotel and turn the lights off.


"Womp womp, kid. You're the youngest in the neighborhood and has more stamina, so you'll go just fine." Neighbor 1 said, crossing his arms.

"That's not a good reason." Y/N growled, mad.

"Well that's your problem then. It's the entire street versus you." Neighbor 2 said, smirking.

"You think I give a f*ck?" Y/N retorted, sounding more serious.

"The way you're acting makes you look like so." Neighbor 3 roasted Y/N, and a few 'YOOO's' could be heard.

Welp, Y/N was defeated and lost a significant amount of aura, so all he could do was sigh, go home, grab his stuff, and go to the hotel, because of his neighbors (skill issue).

After a few minutes of walking and hearing weird noises around him, Y/N was now standing in front of the Hotel's front door.

"Well sh*t... Let's get this over with as fast as possible so I can get the hell out of here." Y/N groaned, opening the rusty doors of the stablishment.

The lights were on, but cobwebs and dust were visible in a such a way it disgusted Y/N.

He looked around and saw a row of elevators, and he decided to go down in one of them.

A funny jingle begun to play, and Y/N sort of liked it.

"Eh, pretty nice beat... Whoever composed this has my respect." Y/N muttered to himself, waiting for the doors to open.

As soon as the doors opened, Y/N saw himself in a small reception room, with a locked door to his left, and Y/N knew that if he had to leave, he would have to Speedrun.

So he did exactly that. He breezed through the rooms like a lightning bolt, and he didn't ever bother to look around the drawers that could have important stuff.

When Y/N opened door 11 though, it all went south really quick. The lights flickered and Y/N was confused. He didn't know if he should take that as a warning or not, or if it was just some casual light malfunction.

But no. Y/N begun hearing a distant and distorted scream, that grew louder by the second, and Y/N, taken aback by that, hopped inside a wardrobe, and by a fraction of a second, he saw a smiley face accompanied by a sense black smoke zooming past him, destroying all the light bulbs.

Y/N was left speechless. What the hell was that? I guess the hotel was haunted after all.

Y/N slowly left the closet, and now his guard was 120% up. He was now paying full attention to all sounds and visual cues of possible dangers.


Y/N was now taking a breather at door 52, also known as Jeff's Shop. He was now chilling with the multi-tentacled entity and the goblin.

"Alright bud, thanks a lot for the info. I'll make sure to use it for survival matters." Y/N thanked Jeff and El Goblino for the tips on how to deal with each monster.

"No problem, Manito. And remember, Düd, weird stuff is going on at puerta (door) 60." El Goblino warned.

"No worries, Golb. I got it." Y/N said, opening the 53rd door and waving goodbye to his new friends.


Y/N was now inside the 60th room, and was wondering what could be going on in it. I mean, the room was considerably destroyed, but nothing seemed off about it...
Until he saw a massive hole on the wall.

"What is this hole doing here??" Y/N asked himself, grabbing his flashlight and shining it inside it, to see it led to a maze.

"Damn it. Here we go." Y/N groaned, walking inside the maze, only to get across it in less than 30 seconds.

The maze led to a weird room with an unnamed painting, three chairs and a gate, that was closed and probably had a secret behind it.

Y/N didn't think much of it, so he went on to the next room, and it was another one of those gate rooms, but it was dark, and it was much bigger.

Y/N sighed and begun searching for the lever, always making sure to look at the goofy ink ball.

He found the lever with Guiding Light's assistance (what a G), and before he could head to the next room, he wondered if the gate of door 60 was open again.

So he retraced his steps, went through the wall hole, and... The gate was open!

Turning to the left, a low tune could be heard, and a simple wooden door with the label 'A-000' on top of it.

But the door was locked with two locks and a skeleton lock, meaning to open it, Y/N had to use the two lockpicks he found before the Seek chase and the skeleton key he bought from Jeff.

He opened each of the locks, and as soon as he opened the door...

He was teleported to another realm.

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