Chapter 29

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Diya pov :

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Diya pov :

Since the morning I was feeling restless, my gut feeling was saying that something bad is going to happen, but I was trying to shake that feeling off.

I was in closet room getting ready in front of mirror, wearing bengals but as I proceed to wear them few of them got broke in my hands.

"Ohh godd.."

I bend down and picked up all the broken pieces of the bangles, so that it doesn't hurt anyone's feet. I stood up and threw it in trashbin which was in room.

I again started wearing them, but this time carefully. After that i proceed to apply sindoor and the sindoor pencil broke too.

"Ohh Godd.. what's happening? Why is everything breaking from my hands, today?"

"Is this a signal that something going to happen?" I started wondering.. negative thoughts begin to fill inside my mind.

"No, diya don't think negative. you were being careless and that's why it's happening." I said to myself.

Mum mum, muumm, Mmuum,

" open your mouth." I'm currently feeding her. Sitting here on the sofa of balcony. Ever since I brought Ruhi to the balcony, it has become her favorite place.

She always wants to come here. She was sitting in her baby walker, going here and there, enjoying this beautiful weather.

"Here, you go this is the last spoon." I said feeding her

"Woow, Ruhi finished eating her food, yeah!!! ruhi is good girl." She gave her brightest smile as i complimented her

"Mmm, aayyee." She was talking in her baby language.

I kept the bowl on the teatable and wipe her mouth and cleaning everything off of her face. Which was stuck. As I stood up from my place, she started crying, flipping her hands, asking me to take her.

"Eweweh, muum muumm."

My phone also starts ringing.... inside the room which was kept on the nightstand.

"Yes my darling, muma isn't going anywhere." I took her out of the walker, and took the bowl in other hand. My phone rang again, But my both hands were occupied to receive the call. So, I let it ring.

I went down to keep the bowl in the kitchen. And again came up. Ruhi was in my arms. I sat on the bed placing ruhi infront of me on bed giving her soft toys to play. I picked up my phone from nightstand to see who was calling..

"ohh, it was didi."

Mumm, mum ruhi she was playing with her toys.

She gave three missed calls and two massages. I dail her number. To ask why did she call.

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