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Charlotte had all of five seconds to come up with some sort of believable excuse to tell Reece. She dug around in her brain for a second forgetting that Reece was stood there waiting.

"Char..? You okay?" she jumped out of her thoughts and snapped her head up to look at him.

"Sorry I was in my own little world there. Yeah I just tripped over and smacked my eye against the table it's no big deal" attempting to laugh it off she put on her biggest and best fake smile.

"Charlotte you know you can tell me right? I'm not gonna say anything" Reece was trying his best to get Char to open up without pushing her too far.

"Honestly Reece i'm fine! I should get to work now I will see you in a bit." As Reece went to reply, Char immediately sped off in the other direction towards the baby room, leaving him stood in the corridor.

He knew there was something up with her but he didn't want to press too hard it wasn't really any of his business. He let out the loudest groan before grabbing his phone and calling Mia. There was nothing else he hated more than having to call her, she had finally left him alone but he knew that Char needed her. For a moment he thought that maybe he should hang up and that he was overacting and that Char was telling the truth. Before he could finish his thoughts Mia picked up the phone.

"Hey Reecey. Somebody must be dying or dead for you to call me. What's up?"

"Ugh. I know you're off in whatever country but Charlotte has been really... different and I think there's something wrong with her. She's been screaming at parents and been constantly in a shitty mood. And on top of that today she came in with a black eye"

"What. She came in with a black eye? Did she tell you what it was from" he could hear Mia's tone switch and become colder as she spoke.

"She said she tripped and hit it on the table but I seriously doubt that she's one of the most careful people I know."

"I know exactly where it's from. I'm on my way. Reece watch her for me... please" his eyebrows immediately shot up in surprise, had Mia really just said please?

"Well it must be important if you're saying please. Of course I'll watch her"

"Good. I'll see you tomorrow" before Reece could reply Mia hung up the phone.

"Why does everyone keep leaving the conversation without finishing it today jesus"

~ in the baby room ~

It was nearing the end of Charlottes shift and there was just one child that needed to be picked up before she could be on her way home. Inside she really dreaded the idea of going home but being at the nursery wasn't much of a comfort either lately.

As Charlotte was tidying up the mess from the last activity, Carly walked in. She was trapped in her own thoughts again when Carly walked up to her so she didn't even notice that she had entered the room.

"Char?! Hello??" Carly had been trying to get her attention repeatedly. Char finally snapped out of it.

"Omg Carly i'm so sorry idk where I went there" yet again she tried to laugh it off but she knew that Carly wasn't buying it at all.

"We are the closest people here Charlotte, you know you can't pretend everything is okay for this long and me not notice that you're crumbling. I know i've been wrapped up in all the Eric business but you know i'm here to talk right"

As much as she was so relieved to hear Carly say that, she didn't want to burden a 17 year old girl with her marriage issues. Plus Carly was extra happy at the minute due to her delusional crush on Eric and she didn't want to stomp on her happiness.

good luck, babe!Where stories live. Discover now