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After Mia and Charlotte had given their statements into the police and everything had settled down, Char started to panic. The sudden realisation that Theo had actually been taken into custody and that she had just ruined her children's childhood set in. She has never felt guilt so aggressively as she did right now. What had she done. Surely she could've held on longer right? Panic was really starting to set in now as her breathing quickened and she began to feel dizzy. What would happen to her if Theo got out of prison? What would he do to her? What would he do to her kids?

She stumbled backwards, reaching for something to grab hold of to stabilise herself. Gripping onto the lamppost next to her she began to hyperventilate.

Mia swiftly turned around to see Charlotte struggling to breathe and immediately ran over to her. With one hand she interlaced her fingers with Charlottes and with the other she pressed a gentle hand on Chars chest. She brought the hand with which she held Charlottes in against her own chest.

"Sweetheart I need you to breathe for me okay?. I'm here you're safe you don't need to worry" Mia's voice started to soothe her through the intruding thoughts clouding her mind.

"What have I done Mia? I've fucked everything up. What are the kids going to do without a father?! What is going to happen when he gets out and finds me? I should've kept this to myself oh god." the words spilled from her mouth as she gasped for breath at the end of each sentence. Her hands trembling in Mia's, tears started to pour from her eyes.

"No Charlotte don't you dare blame this on yourself, he did this to himself. You are so incredibly brave and so strong. You are not the bad guy here and I would die before I ever let that man touch you again." As Mia finished speaking she leaned forwards and pressed her forehead against Charlottes. She whispered in the softest, quietest tone so only Charlotte could hear her.

"This is not your fault. You are so beautiful and breathtaking Charlotte, he's an idiot for not holding onto you for as long as he could. Now i need you to take some deep breaths for me okay sweetheart?" Charlotte nodded as Mia gradually guided her in slowing her breathing. They stood there together slowly inhaling and exhaling until Charlottes breathing had regulated. Gently Mia pulled her head away from Charlottes and let go of her hands. She ever so desperately did not want to let go but she knew she had to.

"Are the kids at home already Char?" she didn't want to leave Charlotte alone not after everything that had happened. She wanted to be there to comfort and console her for as long as she needed.

"Oh my god the kids! I was supposed to pick them up from school half an hour ago!" she frantically searched through her bag to find her car keys before Mia rested a gentle hand on her arm.

"Don't panic it's all okay, I think you need some time to yourself without the stress of kids today. You need to rest my love, do they have a relative you can call to take them?" she knew how much Charlotte adored her children and how much she would want to see them but Mia also knew that she was exhausted and needed a break. She had been through so much these past months and it broke Mia's heart to see her panic as much she did before. If only Charlotte was not there, she would have mutilated Theo for what he had done to her.

Charlotte hesitantly nodded before ringing her mother to ask if she could take the kids for one more day. Mia waited in suspense as she listened for her mothers answer and a smile grew across her face once she heard her agree. Once Char had hung up the phone she motioned her over to her car indicating that she would drive her home.

"Oh Mia you have done enough already I could not be more grateful. I can drive myself home it's okay"

"Don't be silly get in, it doesn't bother me plus I don't want you driving home in this state. Please, it's on my way home anyways" Charlottes house was in fact not on her way home, it was actually in the complete opposite direction but she was so desperate to keep her safe for as long as she could.

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