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As she stared in awe at the sight before her, Charlotte tiptoed over towards Mia and Maeve. She gently tapped Mia on the shoulder careful not to scare her.

"Hey Mia did you want to help me take her up to bed? I don't wanna wake her up she looks so peaceful" she stared in awe at the scene in front of her as she kept lowering her voice.

Mia hesitantly nodded. Not because she didn't want to she was just too afraid to wake her up and too scared that she would do something wrong.
She lifted her up and held her cradled in her arms and ever so slowly walked up the stairs. As she got to the top of the stairs she realised that she didn't know which bedroom was hers, she was still working her way around Chars house. Almost as if she could read her mind, Char piped up, "The first one on the left my love"

Once she had found her room she gently placed her onto her bed and gently threw the covers on top of her. Charlotte had gone with Natalia to her room whilst Mia put Maeve to bed.  She brought her hand up to Maeve's face and tucked her hair, that was all sprawled along her face, behind her ear before placing a kiss on her forehead. She crouched down and began to whisper to her.

"Maeve I know you can't hear me but I just want you to know that you're not alone. My daddy left me when I was a little girl and it broke me, I didn't have anybody around to support me during this. My mum took it harder than i did so i was all alone. But i wanted you to know that me and your mum will always be here for you. You hit that jackpot with that woman let me tell you, I have never seen anyone love their children as much as she loves you. Youre so lucky to have her and just know everything's gonna be okay." as she finished she stood up and turned around to see Charlotte leant against the doorframe intently listening. She wore the hugest grin on her face as she ran to Mia and collided with her, encapsulating her in the warmest hug. She buried her face into her shoulder as they swayed left to right. Charlotte pulled away from the hug and grabbed Mia's hand dragging her towards her bedroom whilst giggling. She pulled her into the room, closing the door behind her, grinning like an idiot.

Natalia had left her room to ask her mum a question when she saw them running into her mother's room giggling. She stopped in her tracks and smiled to herself. She hadn't seen her mum this happy in so long. Everytime she would return home from work she would be miserable although she would never show it. Always, she would plaster on a mask in front of her children to make it seem as if she was the happiest woman on earth but Natalia could always see right through it. They knew each other too well. This was the first time in a while that she had seen her mother truly happy and without her mask.


Charlotte grabbed Mia's waist and pulled her into a kiss, trailing her free hand down her neck. Her fingers trailing every inch of her she could. She pulled away from Mia, breathing heavily before shoving her onto the bed. Slowly leaning down on top of Mia, smirking as she did, her hands travelled up her shirt as she unclipped her bra. She pulled it out from underneath her shirt as Mia's grip on Charlottes hair grew tighter.

Neither of them had been this intimate with someone in a while and they were both so touch starved.

As Charlotte lifted off Mia's shirt she began to trail kisses all over her neck leaving marks for her to discover later. At her own pace she moved down her chest and began to kiss her breasts and at that Mia began to moan Charlottes name. Maybe a little too loudly but both of them were so engrossed in the moment to notice. Mia threw her head back and closed her eyes, relishing in the moment. She continued to kiss every single inch of Mias body barely taking a breath. Once Charlotte had reached her lower stomach she suddenly stopped earning a confused look from Mia. An out of breath Charlotte giggled as she spoke

"We can have our fun when we sort of these divorce papers" and with that she stood up.

"God you're such a tease" Mia whined as she ached for Charlottes touch for just one moment longer. Rolling over on her front she rested her elbows on the mattress with her hands placed under her chin to hold her head up. "Come on let's get this over with then so I can have you all to myself finally"

Char slumped onto the bed and threw the papers down. "You know I can resist that face come here" she patted an empty space next to her. Mia immediately came over to her and took her hand squeezing it tight. Charlotte rested her head on Mias shoulder as she stared down at the papers. This was the final piece to get rid of Theo forever.

An hour of two later they were both exhausted. Everything was sorted now and it felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Both of them chucked everything onto the floor and flopped down onto the bed. They turned to face each other, just inches between them.

"Lottie?" Mia was the first to speak.

"Nobody's ever called me that before, I love it" she was pleasantly surprised by the nickname.

"It fits you perfectly sweetheart. I'm glad to know that you'll always think of me when you hear it now" she winked at Charlotte watching her blush.
"Don't get all shy with me now, you were on top of me a few hours ago" and at that Charlotte buried her head into the covers. Mia began to laugh and the sweet sound echoed through her head. She placed a gentle hand on Chars head to encourage her to lift her head back up. And it worked. As she lifted her head from the duvet she scrunched her nose in embarrassment.

"You're so beautiful you know that right? I mean wow. I'm losing my breath just looking at you. Theo really fucked up with losing you, anyone would be lucky to breathe the same air as you" the entire time Mias gaze remained on Charlottes eyes, refusing to break eye contact.

"Says you. I mean you're the coolest most breathtaking person i've ever met. Your tattoos alone had me entrapped the first time we met and your eyes... I could get lost in them for hours on end." Just after Roger had sunk his claws into her, Mia had decided to use all her hush money in tattoos. The pain soothed her through everything and she would get them so frequently that she now had two full sleeves. Charlotte adored them. She sat and traced her fingers over each line and pattern, carefully observing each one.

"Mia I had a question but you don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable." she had been plucking up the courage to ask for hours.

"Of course sweetheart anything."

"What do you imagine your life would've been like if Roger hadn't... manipulated you. What did you imagine doing with your life?"

The question surprised Mia. She hadn't thought about this in a while, she had given up years ago. She knew she would never get this life she always wanted so she shoved it all away in the back of her mind.

"When i was younger i always dreamed of being a badass business woman with her own company but most of all i wanted to be a mother." her eyes began to well as she spoke. Roger had ruined her chances of ever becoming a mother, all those years wasted with Reece when she could've become what she always wanted to be.

Charlotte thought back to Mia and Maeve. The way she sat there and cradled her as she sung her to sleep. And the way she tucked her into bed with a kiss on the head even though they had only just met. She realised how dearly Mia wanted to be a mother and how good she would have been. It hurt her heart to think about and it also angered her.

"I'm so sorry I just know you would've made an excellent mother. And a badass business woman." she chuckled at the last part to lighten the mood.

"It's okay I was lucky enough to find my soulmate and the love of my life so I'm happy" she had never loved somebody the way she loved her and she as not afraid to show it.

"You're my sun Amelia Roberts, you know that? I wouldn't trade this for the world" they leaned in closer to each other as their foreheads softly collided. It was them against the world and they were both content with that. All they needed was each other. Through all the darkness all they truly needed was each others light. That was enough.

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