chapter three -- axl

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As soon as we started our set, I scanned the dance floor for Stacy. It didn't take long to find her; she was easily the prettiest girl in the crowded club and drew a lot of attention with her beauty, her dancing, and that red dress hugging her curves so perfectly. However, she seemed to be almost completely blind to everyone's eyes on her as she danced along to the music. What was most enticing to me was the way that I could tell that she was really listening. She moved to the beat of Steven's drumming and the sway of her hips matched Slash's guitar perfectly. It was almost impossible to focus on singing when she was right there demanding all of my attention.

The alcohol in my system was only making things worse, making the craving to touch her, feel her body against mine a million times stronger. I couldn't help but think about last night, the way she had looked in the reflection of the mirror, her back arching so beautifully as she moaned my name...

Jesus Christ, it's a good thing I wore jeans tonight.

About halfway through the set I realize that I'm not the only one watching Stacy dancing from the stage. Duff's eyes are glued to her body; he's hardly blinking as he stares at her, playing his bass mindlessly. A flash of rage and jealousy runs through me and I try to ignore it. It's not like she's my girlfriend or anything. She's just a really good fuck. I think I know that's not true, but I brush off the thought as soon as it arises.

The feeling of adrenaline rushing through me as the guys and I performed and played our music up on stage was like a drug. No amount of liquor, weed, or coke could compare to it. I always wished that it would go on forever, but it never did. Tonight, just like every time we play a show, I found myself longing to go back out on stage as soon as I left. But instead I did a few lines with Slash and then headed over to the bar where Stacy was sitting, drinking wine and talking to the hot bartender. I walked up behind her and threw an arm around her shoulder, making her jump and scream in surprise. When she realized it was me, she burst out laughing and wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me and pressing a kiss to my neck.

"Hiii Axl," she said. "This is Julie, I was just telling her about how cool you and the guys are."

She leaned into me as she spoke, and I could tell from her voice that she was very high and very drunk. I didn't mind though, seeing as how it made her a lot more relaxed and affectionate. I nodded to the bartender, Julie, and ordered a few drinks for me and the rest of the guys, who were still backstage and waiting for us.

"That's gonna take a minute, you should probably go sit down and we'll have someone bring it over to you," Julie said. "Great show, by the way. Y'all are gnarly as hell."

"Thanks, I appreciate it," I said, grinning as I took Stacy's hand and led her through the club to the green room where everyone was waiting. "Did you enjoy the show?" I asked her.

"Yessssss," she breathed. "It was so good, Axl. I'm serious, you guys are gonna be fuckin famous, I know it."

I laughed, but her words meant more to me than I could say. If there was one thing I cared about most in this life, it was music. And I wasn't going to fuck shit up with this band. We finally got backstage and stumbled into the green room, tripping over all the people shuffling around and getting things ready for the next band set to perform. As soon as we got into the room, Stacy's face lit up with joy as she took in all the guys sitting around smoking, talking, and laughing. They seemed just as happy to see her; I'd only know Stacy for a day or so, but I could already tell that she was just one of those people that's impossible not to adore. Slash was doing a line off of a rolling tray balanced on his knees, and Stacy's eyes went wide when she saw it. She went over to him, falling to her knees in front of him and clasping her hands together like she was praying.

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