chapter four -- stacy

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"WAKE UP MOTHERFUCKER!!!" Kate bellows into my ear as she smacks me in the face with a pillow.

"Ugghhhh, fuck you," I groan. I'm hungover and the last thing I want right now is to deal with Kate's bottomless pit of energy.

"Girl where the fuck have you been?! Did you hear about the Pink Pony?!" Kate crawls on top of me on my tiny twin sized bed, refusing to leave me alone and let me sleep.

I sat up, wincing as I noticed the pounding in my head. "Yeah I heard about it," I sighed. "I don't know what we're gonna do."

"Yeah... we're pretty much fucked," she said. "Anyways, where the fuck have you been??"

I snorted, shaking my head at the way she changed subjects. "With a guy,"

"What guy?" Kate asks, rolling her eyes. "Is he special, is he hot, is he stupid, do we like him, does he have a big dick?? Give me details!"

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes at her. "He's nice and he's cool," I said. "He's in a band, and he's gorgeous, and that's all you need to know."

"Ugh, fine," she groaned. "At least tell me if the sex was good?"

"It was fucking amazing," I sigh, looking down at my hands and smiling to myself as I remember the way that Axl fucked me, the way he spoke to me, the way his green eyes burned with lust as he watched me cumming on his cock.

Kate begged me for more details but I refused to say anything more and eventually she got bored. She jumped off of my bed and told me to get dressed, announcing that we were going job hunting. About an hour and three cups of coffee later, Kate and I were walking up and down the streets surrounding the Sunset Strip, looking for a strip club that would hire us. I was exhausted, my feet hurt like hell, but on the bright side my hangover was starting to dissipate.

It took us hours and we went to a million clubs before finally finding one that agreed to hire us. It was the sleaziest, grungiest place I'd ever seen. Almost every guy in there looked like he belonged on a sex offender registry and most of the girls looked like they were halfway to an overdose. I got a bad feeling the second I stepped into the place, but we needed to pay rent, so we took the jobs.

"God that place was a fucking nightmare," Kate sobbed, collapsing into a pile on the couch as soon as we got home.

"Yeah I know," I said, rubbing her back soothingly. I was definitely going to start bringing my switchblade to work with me. "But we need the money."

A black hole of depression started to form in my stomach as the reality of my situation sunk in. I was broke, hungry, hungover, living in a shitty apartment in a terrible neighborhood, and the worst part was that there was no way out. My heart started to race and I struggled to keep my breathing even. I stood up and went to the nearest open window, lighting a cigarette and gasping for air. The nicotine helped me steady myself and after a minute I calmed down. Then the phone started ringing. I took another drag off my cigarette, hoping that Kate would answer the phone so I didn't have to. But when the phone kept ringing, I sighed and stumbled over to it, picking up the receiver with a sigh and holding it to my ear.

"Hello?" I muttered.

"Hey, is Stacy there?" a deep, raspy voice came through the phone. I recognized it immediately.

"Axl?" I replied, barely hiding the excitement I was feeling.

"Stacy? Is that you?" he asked.

"Yeah, yeah it's me," I chuckled. "I didn't really expect you to call me so soon. What are you doing?"

"Nothing much, just hanging around with the guys, rehearsing and shit. What about you?"

"I just got home, me and my roommate had to go find jobs." I mumbled.

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