2. Ready to hunt

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In the tranquil dining hall of the sprawling mansion, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the clatter of cutlery filled the air

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In the tranquil dining hall of the sprawling mansion, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the clatter of cutlery filled the air. As the sun peeked through the ornate windows, casting golden rays across the polished mahogany table, the members of the wealthy Kashyap family gathered for their morning breakfast.

Everyone was present except for one: Vedansh

A concerned expression etched across his face, Nishant Kashyap the patriarch of the family, inquired, "Where is Ved?"

Nitya, his daughter, shook her head. "Don't know, Dad."

A venomous voice cut through the silence. "Perhaps your favorite son didn't come home last night and was whoring around," sneered Avishek, Vedansh's step brother.

Niharika, his mother glared at him, "Avishek, keep your mouth shut."

Nitya again intervened. "No, Avi, vai was here yesterday. We had dinner together."

Avishek scoffed at her.

After sometime Vedansh came. He was all set for his office.

"Vedansh," Mr. Kashyap, said, gesturing towards an empty chair.

"Sorry, Mr. Kashyap, but I think I am not welcome in your beautiful family, so I will just come around," Vedansh said, his voice hard, before turning and leaving.

"Ved...." Niharika was going to call him but he left without caring about anyone.

The room was filled with the silence of a single fallen leaf in a vast, silent forest. Mr. Kashyap lowered his head in guilt.

"Did you notice his behaviour, Dad? Still, you gave him the company, he doesn't even deserve it," Avishek, Vedansh's stepbrother, said, his voice laced with bitter resentment.

Niharika, her eyes lined with worry, signaled her son Avishek to silence with a subtle glance. As the last person departed from the table, leaving only mother and son at the table, Avishek started again.

"Mom, why didn't you let me tell Dad that his favorite son is turning into a devil day by day?" he asked, his voice trembling with frustration.

"I think we have to do something about him. Did you notice his eyes? They were full of resentment for us.'"Niharika said, her voice tinged with a tremor of fear.

"Yes, I noticed. I noticed them well," Avishek replied, "Did he perhaps find out that it was you behind his mother's..."

"Shhhhhhhhhhh.........dheere bolo. Someone will hear,?" Niharika hushed him sharply, her eyes darting around the room.

"So, Mom, what should we do about him now? He will go out of our hands, and then my dream of being the king of the Kashyap empire will be shattered," Avishek sounded concerned. His voice was laced with a hint of desperation.

Niharika sat back, her face a mask of contemplation. The weight of her secret, the secret that threatened to unravel their carefully constructed world, pressed heavily on her. She needed to act, and act fast.

Taking a deep breath, Niharika looked at her mobile phone and dialed a number. The call went straight to voicemail. "He's not answering," she muttered, her voice laced with frustration. "We need to move quickly. This is becoming dangerous."

"Mom, who did you call?" Avishek pressed, his curiosity piqued.

"You don't have to know," Niharika said, her eyes narrowing. "We have to find another way. The only other option is..." She didn't finish the sentence, but her eyes, cold and calculating, spoke volumes.



In the sleek confines of his office, Vedansh sat behind his laptop, his gaze fixated on the video playing before him. It was a CCTV footage of his house.

A faint smirk played on Vedansh's lips as he heard their hushed whispers, their voices plotting against him.

A faint smirk played on Vedansh's lips as he heard their hushed whispers, their voices plotting against him

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I thought they know me well. But I am wrong. They underestimated me. They fail to grasp the depth of my satanic mind.

"Did you hear their plan, Ansh?" I hissed into the phone. "They think they can honey-trap me. Let's show them how wrong they are."

Ansh, hesitated. "But Vedansh, killing is wrong. It's not the way."

A bitter laugh escaped my lips.

That is the reason I hate him too.

"Really? Tell me, Ansh, what about what they did to our mother? Did you forget that night?"

Ansh's voice dropped to a whisper. "No, I haven't forgotten. But don't you see, Vedansh? You're becoming a criminal. Mom wouldn't have wanted this."

His word cast a murderous impact on me. I grabbed the knife with my hands.

The cold steel of the hunting knife bit into my palm, the pain a familiar sting. My gaze was fixed on the reflection in the blade, a face etched with years of simmering rage. Twenty years. Twenty years since the night my world shattered, the night the screams of my mother echoed in my ears, the night she died.

My hand bled, painting crimson swirls on the worn wood of my desk. It was a ritual, a reminder of the one thing that consumed me: revenge, Revenge of my mother's pleas, her scream for help and........her death. I had spent years crafting this obsession, honing my skills, and waiting for the opportunity to strike.

I can't forget it nor I will let anyone forget.

"I don't care. All I care about is avenging Mom's death. Nobody can stop me, not even you."

With that, I hung up and made my way to outside. My newest target was set to arrive soon and I am ready to hunt.

But for that I have to prepare for that


As I told you, I will edit the chapters.

The main story will be same but there will be a little change in the theme.

I home you will like it this time. 

Thank you.

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