All this confusion???

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Madeline's pov
Me and Liam have been living together for 8 months and we were going on tour..well the band was I was just off work for a while so I decided to go with them, we were going to Paris so we were all up bright and early and heading for the airport, "you excited then?"I asked Liam who was just watching out the window as the drunk bodies from the pub fell around the place "yeah corse" he turned with a smile kissing my cheek "are ya alright?" I asked him with furrowed brows something was up with him, "yeah just tired love" he spoke to me "alright" I spoke laying my head on his shoulder til we reached the airport,

Press weren't shy even at 9 in the morning, "right don't entertain em" Noel spoke before jumping out the black taxi van first followed by Liam then bonehead then Alan then guigsy leaving me last which made me scared "Gowan then love" the taxi driver spoke as I grabbed my tote bag and jumped out the van before it drove off that's when my stomach did a backflip and my nerves kicked in, flashing lights everywhere people shouting my name "hello...sorry..." I spoke walking before a man with spiked black hair and sunglasses came up to me me "hello Madeline" he spoke "erm hi" I replied as I tried to squeeze through but I was trapped "when ya doing a model for Calvin Klein then?" He asked in a flirty way "erm if you don't mind could I get past I have to get catch up to my lads" I spoke looking at my feet but that's when he put a hand on my arm and a finger under my chin making me look at him "please get your ands off me" I requested off him the press just staring and doing nothing young girls shouting my name I was totally panicking now but that when Liam came "OI LEAVE ER ALONE!" He shouted pushing all sorts out of the way "you fucking want a slap?" Liam asked the man with spikey hair before holding my hand and pulling me away, he didn't speak a word to me he had his jaw clenched and his eyes were furious and dark he was sweating I didn't dare speak I didn't want him to yell,

We were all sat on the plane now me by the window bonehead beside me and then Noel at the edge seat "are you alright?" Bonehead asked me looking concerned "yeah just press and stuff before I went in the airport Liam hasn't spoken to me at all" I said looking at my ring "don't worry just try get some sleep yano what Liams like" he spoke with a small smile "thanks bonehead" I said before resting my head on his shoulder and drifting off into a sleep,

"Sally!!" Noel said nudging me awake "fucks sake talk about a deep sleeper" he chuckled "shut up" I spoke rubbing my eyes and looked up to see bonehead asleep "wake up!" I slapped his cheek while he jumped awake before we all stood up to get off the plane, I walked down the steps and at the end of them was Liam he opened his arms for a hug I hadn't spoken to him since in the taxi "I'm sorry for getting so mad" he apologised holding me tight so I pulled out to look up at him his eyes were soft and his eyebrows were rested now not furrowed he looked so beautiful "it's okay li" I spoke before placing a kiss on his lips and then we were off to the hotel, "got a fag?" Guigsy asked me while we sat in the car "yeah here" I spoke handing him a smoke "cheers" he said lighting it up I was gumming for a cigarette but I've been trying not to smoke as much "we have arrived" the driver spoke so we handed him money and jumped out and went to check in,
"Hello" I spoke to the lady at the counter "hi what can I do for you" she spoke in a french accent "erm we should have rooms checked in under the name of oasis" I spoke while she went clicking on her computer "erm there's oasis and a seperate room under mr Liam Gallagher?" She asked in her beautiful accent again "erm Liam?" I said turning around while he stood there with a smile "yeah that's right" he laughed while the receptionist was absolutely admiring the fuck outve him and I don't blame her "alright can I have the room keys?" I asked her snapping her outve the gaze on Liam that was glued on me "yes here you are" she spoke with a smile while I took them off her "fuck sake man why does my boyfriend have to be so gorgeous" I spoke walking away "not into blondes babe" he spoke kissing my temple making me relax "right here lads" I spoke handing them their room keys which would be guigsy and Noel together and Alan and bonehead together which left me and Liam together obviously "right see yas later what time do we've to leave for this fashion fucking show" Liam spoke clearly not excited "erm round 5 wear something decent rkid alright?" Noel replied to Liam making him huff in annoyance while walking off which I followed him "how come your not sharing with one the lads?" I asked him "just wanted something nice for us" he replied quietly "I love you Liam" I told him linking my arm with his as the lift door closed "I love ya too my songbird" he replied which made my stomach flutter "songbird?" I asked him as we left the lift walking to our room "yeah coz they sound pretty" he spoke beeping the room key on the scanner letting me In first "so cheesy you are sometimes" I spoke laughing before planting myself on the bed "what are ya gonna wear to this thing later?" He asked me, I thought about telling him but I never get real dressed up so I decided to just surprise him and send him away to one the boys room while I get ready, "surprise innit" I spoke with a smile "were sharing a room I'll see ya get ready" he laughed thinking he was smart "nah your going to boneheads room so here's a shirt here's ya jeans ya shoes ya socks and ya glasses off ya pop my darlin" I spoke giving him his stuff and locking him outve the room, it was silent for about 5 minutes I'd thought he'd gone but then he shouted through "erm what numbers he!!?" He shouted making me laugh "425!" I shouted back "alright!" He said before I heard him stand up and run off, I love him truly I see myself growing old with him having a couple kids having us some grandkids I see my future with Liam I always have because I love him he's my person,

I was getting ready just my lips coated in a red lipstick and my hair down and pin straight, my dress was beautiful and simple it was black and long just reaching my ankle, it made my boobs look great and it hugged my figure beautifully it had lace at the end on the rim and at the top at my boobs, I don't do heels I hate them I don't care how fancy the event is it's always going to be some sort of a trainer so I wore my battered black converse, my phone buzzed it was Noel "hello hello hello!!" I spoke down the phone about to reach for the door handle "we're in the lobby cmon" he spoke laughing "kayyy" I said dragging it out leaving my hotel room and jumping in the lift, I was humming a song in my head before I looked up and standing in the lobby were the lads with big smiles and adoring eyes looking at me but then there was my Liam his eyes were filled with love and he was just admiring every part of me as I walked towards him "your brilliant" he spoke before looking at my boobs and then back over at the lads and down at me "your mine remember that ye?" He spoke moving closer to me before kissing me "right Jesus cmon" Noel gave out as he walked out the lobby door and towards the cab and so we were off my first time watching the runway being walked on and not walking on it,

We arrived and as me and Liam were walking a girl with a camera man and a notepad stopped us and asked if we had a minute and Liam just said "yeah" he never wants to stand around and talk "so everyone wants to know are you guys offical??" She asked with a big smile "yeah she's my bird and I love er" Liam spoke just emotionless "and how's the touring life you know with you being a model and everything Madeline?" She turned to me she seemed more interested in me then Liam she kept staring at my boobs she had a pink tint in her clear skin "erm yeah no I miss him when he's gone and stuff but it's work love yknow? Just like working in an office" I replied to her looking her up and down "y-yea-yeah erm I better go though thanks for your time" she spoke rushing away "no problem" Liam spoke walking with his hand in mine "she fancied ya" he told me giggling a bit "I know" I laughed with him as we headed to our seats grabbing champagne on the way, watching everyone walk was making me freak out none of them were walking straight they were all wobbly so when it finished I was happy enough, we were all standing around the bar mingling when Liam held me from behind and held my hips up against him I could feel him through his jeans, "you look so hot babe" he whispered lowly into my neck his hot breathe hitting my neck sending shivers down my spine "I can't wait to rip this dress off you run my hands all over ya" he whispered low again kissing my neck "Liam.." I breathed out "your mine" he spoke again before I turned around and his lips met mine hungrily, he ran his tongue along my bottom lip asking for entrance which I let him have our tongues danced together and I couldn't help myself I let a small moan out in the heated make out session "Liam stop.." I spoke pulling away "not here.." I said again while he looked at me hungrily "I want ya now" I he spoke looking at my lips again "just have to be patient" I spoke running my hand down his chest when a camera flashed it was that little fucking fruit tart and her camera man from earlier and Liam wasn't happy either his jaw clenched and then she took another photo so me and Liam went over to a table and sat there with everyone else "wanna do a line?" Noel piped up "yeah Gowan" I spoke taking the little bag off him and doing up lines 2 each for all of us, the powder shooting up my nose making my brain fuzz and my nose burn "fuck me" I breathed out as I threw my head back "Noel what the fucks that" guigsy asked holding his head "I dunno some fucking coke l got" he laughed out "give me more" I told him "nah two will do ya" he spoke holding the bag "Jesus fucking Christ Noel give me the fucking coke" I spoke grabbing it and doing myself up 2 more lines zooooom up the nose they go "fuck!" I exclaimed holding the top of my nose "Noel that's fucking amazing" I spoke plonking myself down feeling the adrenaline rush through me from what the drugs gave me,

1 hour later
We had all drank loads and did more coke and all I wanted was Liam to let me ride him there and then so I took him out to the smoking area and had him up against the wall and we were in the hottest make out session his hand squeezing my breast and my hands in his hair and I was grinding up against him *flash* another flash went and I looked to see that little fruit bowl from earlier I've had enough "oi!" I shouted as I walked over to her "Gowan take another fucking picture ya cow!" I shouted at her "fuck you ya little sket" she shouted in an Essex accent "you stupid cunt" I told her before I punched her square in the face "stop!!" She shouted while I hit her over and over and over again until I felt two sets of arms on me it was Liam and Noel "fuck sake" is the last thing I heard before everything just went black.

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