Chapter 1 ~ Debut

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  "Dearest Gentle Reader, it seems as though this season will be the one the Viscount finds his wife. What lucky young lady will meet his suit...?"

"Why does everyone think that the Viscount will find his wife this year?" Isabel asked as she read aloud the newest paper from Lady Whistledown, she's one of three of Amelia's sister-in-laws.
"Is my sister still in there?" Her brother asked as he put his ear up to the door.
"You can't rush a lady, darling." Isabel replied as she pulled him away.
"No rush, but the ball starts in half and hour, and do you know what being late to the Queen's ball will do to our reputation?" Alexander told his wife.
Then suddenly the door clicked, "I'm coming," Amelia said in a small voice. "Where's Archie and August?"
"Not here yet, but you know Archie will drag you out if you're not out when he gets here." Alexander said through the door.
"Good, keep them away. They're going to tease me." Amelia pouted.
"Amelia, when I was a debutante it wasn't bad. It was quite enjoyable." Isabel tried to console her.
"Well maybe it's because you weren't a debutante for that long, now that I'm remembering. You guys danced once at a ball, and then got married." Amelia shouted.
"What's taking so long?" Arthur said as he pushed Alexander and Isabel away. Knocking loudly he shouted, "Amelia Elizabeth Lorington!! Make haste!!"
Arthur was the only brother who was not married, mainly because he enjoyed ladies too much he couldn't pick between them all. "Stop shouting! I'm coming!" Amelia yelled.
"She said that already but clearly she hasn't." Isabel explained.
"Move aside!" Now the twins Archie and August were here. Archie stepped back and then rammed into the door full force shoulders first, to reveal Amelia sitting on the floor in her gown.
Immediately Isabel picked her up from under her arms and dusted off her dress, "For christ's sake Archie. I said I was coming and I meant it this time." Living with four brothers and practically being raised by them when her parents died 4 years ago she was used to this.
"Come on, Alexander and I will be the ones presenting you." Isabel smiled at her as she fixed the feather in her hair.
"Do I really have to do this? Why can't I be like aunt Helena and be a spinster?" She asked as they guided her outside and into the carriage.
"Do you really want to end up husbandless, and unhappy?" Her brothers asked her in unison.
"No..." She said as she looked down and the ground shyly. The overwhelming amount of carriages that were near them let her know that they were near the palace. Who knew? Maybe her future husband was in one of them.

At the ball
"And now, Miss Amelia Lorington, presented by the Noble Baroness, Ms. Lorington." The announcer said. Well in reality he said a lot more but Amelia couldn't hear it over the sound of her heartbeat. Walk, don't trip. Hold your head high, and smile. She repeated over and over to herself. She could feel all eyes on her and she hated it. She looped her hands through Alexander's hoping to get a grip of reality. But he held it and then patted it before he let go. She wondered why she had stopped then she realized she was in front of the queen now. She heard a shuffle but she didn't dare to look up. Then she felt a hand slide under her chin and lift her face up gently.
"Flawless, my dear." The queen smiled and kissed her on the forehead. A hush fell over the crowd. Amelia felt as if she was going to pass out, if her brother hadn't been there to stabilize her she probably would've.
"Psst. Look alive, you're going to be the talk of the ton." Her brother whispered and the music started. She tried to shrink back but bumped into Archie.
"May I have this dance Miss Lorington?" A suitor asked as he bowed. Amelia glanced over at Alexander once again. And he nodded.
"Yes.." She said quietly as she placed her hand in his. They were one of the first ones to dance on the dance floor but soon other pairs accompanied them.
"I'm terrible at the waltz," He joked.
Amelia laughed in his ear, "Let me guide you."
"You've danced before?" He inquired as he stared in her eyes.
"Never, but it can't be that hard." She said as she stepped on his toe. "Oh, I'm so sorry."
"Are we making a fool of ourselves?" He said as he led her off the dance floor.
"Perhaps." She said as he kissed her hand and bowed. As soon as he left Isabel was at her side.
"That was Count Antonoff. James Antonoff." Isabel squealed.
"He's a horrible dancer." Amelia laughed.
"Miss Lady Lorington, and Lady Isabel." Another man has come up and bowed in front of them.
"Lord Dean, to what do we owe the pleasure." Isabel said as the pair curtsied. Amelia heard one of her brothers clear their throat next to them.
And Lord Dean bowed, "I just wanted to introduce myself, goodbye now."
"What was that?!" Isabel whisper shouted to Arthur. "He has titles, and multiple properties, he would've been a perfect suitor."
"He's also a rake." Arthur muttered.
"A what?" Amelia asked him.
"Nothing, darling. Don't worry, I'll find you another suitor." Isabel soothed her.
"What's the point she's not the diamond." She heard Archie jeer as he walked towards them.
"I need a moment." Amelia left before asking for permission, she walked out into the spacious garden and found a bench to sit on. She heard someone walking behind her, "Look Archie, I'm sorry I left without permission. It's too much in there, I can't breathe." She said without looking back. Archie didn't respond so she turned, "Archie?" And instead of seeing one of her older brothers she saw the Viscount. "Oh, I'm so sorry my lord. My apologies, I thought you were somebody else."
"Can't breath?" He inquired.
"No! No, I can breathe. Perfectly fine." She said as she heaved.
He chuckled quietly, "That's a shame, I was hoping to have someone to relate with."
"You can't breathe either? I mean obviously you can since you're standing in front of me, perfectly breathing." She rambled before she stopped shyly.
"No, it seems as though someone has caught my breath." He smiled.
"Who's the lucky girl?" She asked innocently.
"Amelia!" Alexander shouted out for her.
"I'm here." She shouted back as she stepped back from the Viscount.
"There you are, why did you leave?" Alexander asked without noticing the Viscount.
"I- uh, it's just." She stuttered.
"Allow me to speak for her, it seems your sister is overwhelmed." The Viscount explained.
"You guys were in the garden? Alone?" Alexander stood in front of Amelia defensively.
Amelia grabbed his arm, "Alex, please. Can we go home?"
"Isabel, take her home." He said without looking at her. Amelia hadn't noticed that Isabel was here too since she had been so quiet.
While Isabel led her away from the garden Amelia looked back and waved goodbye shyly earning a smile from the Viscount.

"What do you think Alexander will do?" Amelia stared out the carriage.
"Who knows? Ames, why were you guys alone in the garden?" Isabel asked soothingly.
     "We accidentally met there, that's all. Nothing more." She explained the situation.
     "Well, we best hope all four of your brothers haven't got a hold of him." Her sister-in-law added.
     "The Viscount, how old is he?" Amelia grabbed Isabel's arm suddenly.
     "First of all, ow. And second, I do not know. He can't be that old, he doesn't look like it." Isabel rubbed her arm.
     "No, of course not. He certainly isn't as old as some of the other men." Amelia muttered.
     "Oh my! Are you asking these questions because you are interested in him?" Isabel had an epiphany.
     "I do not know how to answer your question. Of course not? I mean-." She said quietly.
     "Good, you cannot court him." Isabel stated plainly.
     "Why can I not?" Amelia wanted to know badly. She hoped Isabel had not caught on that the Viscount had bewitched her.
     "Oh, I suppose you don't know about it. Back when your brothers were school boys, they were friends. The Viscount his brother and all your brothers. Until a quarrel came between them, Alexander and Anthony ended up fighting. But now they're more civil, but Alexander does not like him still." Isabel explained the situation and Amelia listened closely. So that's it, one quarrel and now possibly the man of her dreams could not be hers. Amelia knew she was being melodramatic, she talked to him once. He couldn't be the love of her life, right?

Dearest Gentle Readers, I hope you enjoyed this. If you didn't know already from the cover, Amelia is played by Emma Watson. Also disclaimer: Read it in a British accent. Makes it feel more authentic. ;)

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