Chapter 10 - The Mistress

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Amelia sat in the kitchen with Palmy, this would be unusual for a lady to do. But for Amelia, Palmy was like her second mother. Suddenly they heard a knock on the door. Palmy wiped her hands on her apron to get it but Amelia stopped her, "You continue what you are doing, I will get it."
"Are you sure, Miss?" Palmy asked her but Amelia was already walking out.
"Hello?" She opened the door to see a beautiful brunette standing in front of her.
"Are you the one engaged to the Viscount?" The woman asked her.
Amelia gave her look of puzzlement, "Yes, why?"
The lady pushed her way inside, "You cannot marry him."
"Why? What is it to you?" Amelia took a step backwards.
"Because he has been seeing me! He is mine!!" She yelled.
"Who are you?!" Amelia shouted back at her. Palmy heard the yelling and went out quickly.
"Anthony loves me! Not you, two fortnights ago he was at my apartment. That he pays for." Siena the opera singer confessed.
"What?" Amelia grabbed onto a table to stabilize herself.
"Get out!" Palmy spoke up. "Get out at once! Who are you to barge in?!" The lady opened the door but not before she gave Amelia one last look. "Are you okay, Miss?" Palmy asked Amelia.
"No, I feel fai-." Amelia started to whisper but her vision became blurry and before she knew it she blacked out.
"Miss!" Palmy yelled out. "Get the doctor!! Hurry!!" She ordered the nearby servants.

"Where is she?!" Isabel yelled as she opened the front door.
Palmy rushed to her, "She's upstairs, she fainted."
"What happened?" Isabel questioned her.
"After this lady came in and started arguing with her about the Viscount-." Palmy started to say.
"The Viscount?" Isabel's eyebrows furrowed and she squinted her eyes.
"Yes, she told her to call off the engagement because her and the Viscount were doing ... things." Palmy explained.
"Where is my sister?!" Alexander shouted when he came in.
"Upstairs with the doctor." A footman told him.
"Let's go," Alexander grabbed Isabel's hand, but she let go.
"I have to settle something, you can go see her first." Isabel said before she rushed out into a carriage. "Take me to the Bridgerton house." She told the driver.

"My lord, you have a visitor." A servant told Anthony who was in his study.
"Who is it? I am busy at the moment." He looked up from his book.
"I think you would want to see her." The servant said quietly. Anthony raised an eyebrow then made a hand motion for him to let them in.
"What did you do?!" Isabel shouted.
"Lady Isabel, how can I help you?" Anthony asked her.
"Do you know what you have done??" She asked him.
"No, is it about Amelia? Is she alright?" He stood up to leave.
"Your certain mistress paid her a visit today. She told her to call of the engagement because you love her."
"Siena?" He asked. "That is a idea so preposterous, I have not seen her in 2 months."
"Well, it caused Amelia to lose consciousness." Isabel told him.
"What?!" He gave her a bewildered look. She nodded sadly. "I need to see her." He ran out with his coat.

"How is she?" Anthony asked a servant who was leaving her room.
"She is not well, she has not stayed away for more than a few minutes." He told him. Anthony nodded before going in.
"Why are you here?" Alexander stood in front of him.
"Is she okay?" Anthony demanded.
"Don't you think you have caused her enough harm already?" Alexander stood in front of Amelia so that Anthony could not see her.
"Alexander, I need to know. Is she okay?!" Anthony shouted.
He shook his head, "They do not know what is wrong with her," Alexander stepped aside and Anthony rushed to her side. He took her hand, and kissed it gently.
"I wish there was more I can do, but all we can do is wait for her to wake up." The doctor told them. "Forcing her to wake up could shock her and cause an apoplexy.
Anthony brushed her hair back with his hand gently. "How long will it take until she awakes?"
"It can vary, it could be today, it could be next week, it could be never." The doctor told them truthfully. Anthony felt a lump in his throat and nodded.
"Can I have a moment alone with her?" Anthony requested. Alexander nodded and escorted the doctor out. "I know you are mad, but if you wake up. When you wake up, if you do not wish to be engaged anymore I will respect it." He told her quietly. "But please, wake up."
     "I do not care what Anthony said. Let me in!" He heard Eloise saying to the footman.
     "She can come in." He yelled out. Eloise opened the door with a huff.
     "Make room." She said to Anthony and pushed him slightly. "I was told the situation." She glared at him.
     "El, I stopped seeing her two months ago." Anthony tried to reason with her.
     "It does not matter! She is in this state because of you!!" She yelled at him.
     "I know." He said in frustration. He felt Amelia shift under his hand and looked at her.
     "She is waking up." Eloise said aloud. She went to the door and ushered Alexander and Isabel in.
     Isabel sat next to her on the bed and felt her head, "Amelia?"
     She opened her eyes slowly, "What happened?"
     Isabel shushed her, "Shhh, you were out for a few hours. You fainted."
     "The last thing I remember is..." Amelia looked around the room. "You." Her eyes landed on Anthony. He looked down at the floor in defeat. She touched his head lightly.
     "We will give you some space to talk." Isabel dragged both Eloise and Alexander out.
     "Is it true?" Her voice cracked.
     He did not look up, "No, I understand if you do not believe me. But please, I stopped visiting her 2 months ago." She guided his face up by holding it.
     "I believe you."
     "Really?" His eyes got wider like a little dog.
     "Yes." She nodded.

Dearest Gentle Reader, to be completely honest. This author does not like this chapter that much. I don't know though. Wedding is coming soon!! Farewell for now 🤗

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