Chapter 6 - Frenemies

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"Miss Amelia." Count Gwenner bowed in front of her.
"My lord." She nodded her head.
"May I?" He said to August who was escorting her. August let go of Amelia's hand and she wished he did not. "Are you feeling better?"
"Oh, yes. I am." She had forgotten about her little facade she played last time to get away.
"Do not worry Miss Lorington. The whole time while you were sick and not attending any events, I was pining for you." Count Gwenner told her.
Amelia grimaced, "Oh, did you?"
"Yes! I did not dance with any other ladies and I made sure everyone knew I was in mourning."
She laughed at him, "I was sick, not dead."
"Amelia!!" Eloise spotted her.
"Save me." She whispered quietly.
"Can I steal her for a moment?" Eloise did not wait for a response before she walked away with Amelia. The girls giggled as they looked back and saw Count Gwenner visibly pouting.
"Careful, he's in mourning." Amelia said which made Eloise laugh harder.
"Meet Pen, we plan on being spinsters till we're old and cruel." Eloise brought her to a girl. She had beautiful red curls and her skin glowed in the moonlight, she was wearing a bright yellow dress.
"It's nice to meet you." The girl said politely.
"You, as well. Can I be a spinster too?" Amelia asked playfully, which cause Penelope to smiled widely and nod.
"Amelia!" She turned around to see Colin walking towards them. She noticed Penelope get visibly flustered next to her.
"Colin, how is your hand?" She picked it up to inspect it and the mama's around them watched her.
"Better, thanks to you." He smiled.
"Meet my new friend, Penelope." Amelia linked her arms with Pen.
"Oh Pen, you two have met?"
"Y-Yes." Penelope looked at him with eyes Amelia has only ever seen Isabel give Alexander.
"Would you care to dance, Amelia?" Colin put out his hand.
"Oh, I'm afraid I'm too tired to dance," She started fake coughing, "I'm recovering from a cold. But you can dance with Penelope."
"Oh yes! Pen, would you like to dance?" He shifted his gaze to her.
"Sure." Penelope's eyes lit up.
"Come on," Eloise pulled Amelia.
"Where are we going?"
"To find Anthony and Benedict, so no one will come up to us." Eloise explained.
"Anthony..?" Amelia wanted to plant herself in one spot but she couldn't.
"Brother! You are to intimidate the gentleman if they come near." She linked arms with Benedict.
"Ah, a shield? Alright."
Amelia stood awkwardly next to Eloise, Anthony's body stiffened when she got near. "Miss Amelia, I have been looking for you! Would you like to dance?" Count Gwenner came up to her.
Amelia lied, "I'm afraid I've already been asked."
"By who?" Count Gwenner's face turned sour.
Amelia paused, she looked around for a victim. Anthony spoke up and grabbed her hand, "By me."
She looked at him, what was he doing? The last time they talked, he was uninterested in her; in his own words. "What are you doing?" She said aloud.
"Dancing." He pulled her onto the dance floor.
"Brother, do you see what I am seeing?" Eloise nudged Benedict.
"Yes, I do."
The ton stopped to watch them come onto the dance floor, the Viscount never danced with anyone. He stared into her eyes intensely, she wished she could close her eyes. "Anthony.." She said quietly. He did not say anything and instead pulled her closer. He breathed heavily against her. She could see his eyes as beautiful as they are. When the song ended she had to pull herself out of his grip and she left him there.
     Eloise came to her side, "My brother?"
     "I do not know what you are talking about."
     "Oh, do not play innocent. I saw how you guys looked at each other."
     "How did we look at each other?" Amelia asked her.
     "Like you were the only two people in the room." Eloise told.

Dearest Gentle Reader, at last nights soirée, it seems the Viscount finally asked a lady to dance. The ton saw the Viscount dance passionately with this season's diamond, Miss Amelia Lorington. On another topic...

     Isabel's voice trailed off as she read the newest paper from Lady Whistledown. Amelia was the source of it once again. "All we did was dance." She tried to reason.
     "Not to Lady Whistledown." Isabel said.
     "Why must I be cursed." Amelia said dramatically as she fell backwards on the couch.
     "Ms. Lorington, you have a visitor." A servant came in and announced. Amelia sat up quickly, who was here? It was not a gentleman, if it were it would have been a caller.
     "Amelia!!" Eloise came in.
     "Eloise! How good it is to see you." Amelia hugged her.
     "I'll give you girls some space." Isabel said as she walked out. She walked into the hallway and saw Anthony. "My lord." She curtsied. "Are you here as a caller?"
     "No, sorry, I am just escorting Eloise." He smiled sadly.
     "You were supposed to be a spinster with me and Pen." Anthony could hear Eloise from the hallway. He stayed by the doorway and waited for Amelia's response.
     "Eloise you are being silly, I am not wedding anytime soon." Amelia laughed.
    "What about Count Gwenner?"
     "Count Gwenner is daft." She responded.
     "Well what about Lord Billings?" Eloise named all of Amelia's suitors.
     "He is boring, all he talks of is his collection of antique lamps."
     "What about Anthony?" Eloise raised her eyebrows.
     "What about him?" Amelia asked.
     "What are your feelings towards him?"
     "I have no feelings towards Anthony, whether they may be good or bad." Amelia stated.
     "That's good," Eloise smiled.
     Anthony walked in suddenly, "Miss Lorington, my mother has requested you and Ms. Lorington for tea."
     "Oh! That was what I came to tell you." Eloise's thought came back to her.
     "Ms. Lorington has been made aware by one of the servants, she is waiting for us now." Anthony avoided eye contact with Amelia.
     "Oh, okay. Let us go Eloise." Amelia pulled Eloise.

     "So that is how Anthony came to be." Violet laughed with Isabel.
     "Daphne is here!!" Hyacinth screamed and told them.
     "Oh, my precious." Violet took Augie from Daphne.
     "Mother, when is the game going to start?" Benedict leaned on the doorway.
     "Game?" Amelia asked while still sitting at the table.
     "Yes! We have a little family tradition every year. We play pall-mall. For the past 2 years I have been victorious." Daphne explained to her and she seems very proud of herself. Amelia heard Isabel gushing over the baby and smiled.
     "Amelia, take my place." Eloise said from the couch.
     "Oh, I could not. It is a family tradition." Amelia emphasized family.
     "Well you are essentially family, just without the blood part." Violet smiled at her.
     "I have never played before." Amelia came up with an excuse.
     "When has that ever stopped you?" Isabel laughed.
"Never, she's like a force that cannot be stopped." Anthony walked in.
"Please, you make me sound reckless." Amelia said fiercely.
"Well, are you not?"
"Only half the time." She replied.

"Do you know what is going on between the two of them?" Daphne asked Isabel who was sitting under a tree holding Augie.
"No one knows." Isabel told her. Their attention was brought back to the players when they suddenly cheered.
"Forfeit!!" Amelia mocked him.
"Never." He came closer till they were only a feet apart. "It is beginner's luck."
"We have been playing for hours. Must we stop and argue every time the other wins a point?" Eloise rolled her eyes at the two.
"Oh well, I suppose this game will have to continue later." Amelia said.
"I will not forfeit, tomorrow, or the next." Anthony told her.
"Yes, and neither will I."
"Amelia!!" Isabel waved her over.
"Coming." She yelled back.
"It was so nice to have you two, please come visit again." Violet hugged Isabel goodbye.

Daphne walked into Anthony's study without knocking. "Hello?" He looked up from his paper.
"What is going on between you and Miss Amelia?" Daphne blurted out.
"Nothing is happening between us. We are merely acquainted with one another."
"Acquainted with one another? How do you suppose?" She squinted her eyes.
"What is the source of this conversation?" He sighed.
Daphne gave him an exasperated look, "Do you plan to wed her?"
"Daphne." He warned her gently.
"Do you even plan to court her?" Her voice became higher an octave. "Because if you do not. You must stay away. Lady Whistledown knows something is going on, so the ton must know. She is a debutante, if you do not feel anything towards her then what are you doing? Are you playing a facade?" She yelled.
"I am not playing anything." He stood up.
"Right, Viscount Anthony who must never find love and self sabotages every relationship he may have." Daphne walked out and left him there.

Dearest Gentle Reader, two posts in one day? This without just kept writing and suddenly she was at 1k words. On another note, if you have any critiques or anything you like or do not please let me know. I want to pursue being an author one day so I would love some advice or constructive criticism. If you like it please star ⭐️. But for now, bye bye. 🤗

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